A 3-letter agency notified me last month (December 2024) that they were moving forward in the process and sent me some benefit-related paperwork to submit once I got the FJO and was formally approved to onboard. Can anyone here advise what goes into the formal approval process and how long it can take to get the actual FJO? I know each case if probably different but having some kind of baseline would be helpful and ease the nerves in this final stretch. Assuming there won’t be any more hiring freezes, that is… Thanks!
HR has been patiently waiting all this time for security to get back to them… ie they have not done anything with your package. NOW they need to put together the FJO, make sure all the forms are up-to-date, maybe get an updated resume, make sure the position is still there… in my case some years back, make me get a p* test because it had been so long.
All this moves at the speed of government. Throw in a couple of snow days, a holiday here or there, Dave or Donna didn’t come to work last week, and you’re looking at four weeks maybe. Add another week for end of year holidays.
Thanks, sbusquirrel. Yeah, I figured nobody did anything the last two weeks of December, then snow days, then the national day of mourning for President Carter… It’s just that having been patient the past year or so, I guess it’s the final step that makes me anxious, being so close, hoping for no bad surprises at the very end.
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Ok, so I checked in with my PO and it got even more confusing. I was told that everything had been paused, couldn’t confirm whether I was cleared or not, and said that the benefit info/process moving forward notification I received had been sent out to all candidates basically as a “btw” (not the exact quote), which I find quite odd. Then I got the usual “when I have an update, I’ll let you know” Go figure