Granted clearance today

I just got my clearance today. I am so happy. It is a DoD Secret Clearance.

That is great! Congratulations! Can you post a general timeline? When you submitted SF86, investigation, last time you heard from anyone…

How long was the wait?

Around 6 months. …

25th Nov 2017: Pre-processing - accepted offer
Dec 2017: 6 References and 3 Previous employers were called and investigator personally met 5 of them in person and 1 of them was called . My Landlord got a call too from investigator.
January 2018: Met with investigator and a Favorable CFD (Contractors Fitness Determination) was granted after met with investigator. Follow up interview
Investigation completed: 27th Feb
Clearance granted: 10th May

Just wanted to tell you that I have foreign relatives and I am naturalized citizen but I disclosed everything in SF86. Never had any financial issues or drug problems or any criminal history. Have around 30k cresit card debt but never been late on payments.

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Can you post your start to finish timeline…congrats by the way.

Congratulations. I wish that I will get mine soon as well.

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I just did. Please see my post on top.

Congrats. Still waiting on mine. Over three years now…

sorry about that…I sawit after I posted…again congrats

Can I ask how you were contacted about it? I don’t know if I should be anxiously holding my breath for a phone call, USPS, FedEx or what.

Your FSO will either call or email you the day he or she getts the “offical word”. Email has been the norm.

I am deploying so I was given an official company letter stating that I was upgraded to level 2 (CAT II) which requires clearance.

Did you get your interim secret clearance?

No, Full clearance…