How do we receive (SOR) and or Letter of Intent (LOI) by email or regular mail

Any one has an idea how DOD (DCSA) etc. send (SOR) and or Letter of Intent (LOI) is it by email or regular first class mail

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It’s mail. FED ex but not certified which it should be.

Most of the time they use electronic delivery using a program called DoD Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). They send you an email with a link to DoDSAFE and a separate email with an access code and password.

Yeah, I received my SOR via Certified USPS. I had to sign for it to indicate that I had received my letter.

@willam-henderson do you know from which email address it should be coming from or what should be in the subject line if I want to search in my email folder for SOR or letter of intent sent to me.

The email from address should be: The Subject line should read: [DoD SAFE] “sender’s name” has dropped off a file for you