Any one has an idea how DOD (DCSA) etc. send (SOR) and or Letter of Intent (LOI) is it by email or regular first class mail
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It’s mail. FED ex but not certified which it should be.
Most of the time they use electronic delivery using a program called DoD Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). They send you an email with a link to DoDSAFE and a separate email with an access code and password.
Yeah, I received my SOR via Certified USPS. I had to sign for it to indicate that I had received my letter.
@willam-henderson do you know from which email address it should be coming from or what should be in the subject line if I want to search in my email folder for SOR or letter of intent sent to me.
The email from address should be: The Subject line should read: [DoD SAFE] “sender’s name” has dropped off a file for you