IC Poly and Adjudication Process

@Nut, did they have anything to say about two inconclusive polys?

@Nutā€¦ wowā€¦these people are insaneā€¦lol.

@Trey3 Iā€™d rather not discuss the specific position but I will definitely agree on the nerves being shot regardless.

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@Rkf4ever, I definitely respect thatā€¦ understood.

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve posted timeline here or not. I am still processing for 2 different IC agencies and both have very similar timelines.

Summer 17 - CJO
Winter 17 - Poly, Psy, Med
Spring 18 - BG investigation (separate investigator for each agency) was informed by investigator their part was completed

Now all I receive are periodic phone calls saying I am still processing from one agency and bunch of crickets from other agency (canā€™t even get ahold of recruiter). The one thing they both have in common is not being able to tell me where I am in the process.

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I have now scheduled both my poly and psych. For some reason I thought these were done at one time but I guess notā€¦and the saga continues.

That is strange that they are not done on the same day. The room was filled with people when I did mine. Only thing I can think is if you are local and not remote they may schedule different days.
I did medical after poly and had to lay there awhile for my blood pressure to go down haha.

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@hawk911, are you referring to Ft. Meade, ANJC?

Oh wait, medical??!! So I may have to schedule something else on another day? I am local, so maybe the multiple days makes sense.

We might be there at the same time this month lol. Did you have your psych the same day as your first poly?

@Rkf4ever, I had my poly and Psych the same dayā€¦ last month on the 25th. Iā€™m going back next Friday for my second poly.

Oh ok, youā€™re a week ahead of me on the poly. So you havenā€™t had a medical either? For some reason I was assuming when people referred to medical they were talking about the psych part. Silly me, smh.

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@Rkf4ever, I didnā€™t even know there was medical in the process. I just assumed the psych and poly were the extent of it.

Iā€™m processing with same agency as both of you I believe and itā€™s just poly and psych. I am also processing with different agency with involves medical check also. Iā€™ve been through quite a few polyā€™s and submitted lots of info since agencies donā€™t talk to each other. Two complete processes. I did rack up some free airline miles though so thatā€™s something positive.


Maybe it depends on the position. Weā€™ll see soon enough.

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@hawk911, weā€™re any of those polys ā€œinconclusiveā€¦ā€?

1st was inconclusive and was told I passed 2nd for first agency. Both were inconclusive for the second agency but no mention of a third. All polyā€™s I gave exact same answers and felt exact same way but only passed one so take that as you will.


Thanks @hawk911, thatā€™s what Iā€™m afraid ofā€¦ I donā€™t know whatā€™s better if I come back inconclusive or pass and then be accused of countermeasuresā€¦lol.

May I ask which agency came back inconclusive twice and if youā€™re still processing with them?

(You can answer by location if that helps)

So I started this thread way back when. Everything turned out fine. Word of adviceā€¦ donā€™t mind what other people are saying. There are so many people that say all this sh*t but have no clue. Like them saying two inconclusive polys and you have no shotā€¦ well, I had two inconclusives and I got through. Patience and everything will work out.


Thanks for coming back and updating usā€¦I had been wondering since I stumbled across this post.