I was recently given a FJO for a position requiring TS/SCI, but haven’t started yet so I don’t have any contacts outside of my recruiter. One of my parents just mentioned considering to visit relatives in a country listed with a do not travel advisory.
Is this something I would need to report (and to whom) or could jeopardize my position before I even begin? Generally I would assume not, but during my investigation I was explicitly asked if I thought my parents had any intent to visit/live there and at the time I had no reason to believe they would, as they haven’t been in decades.
Apologies if this question is silly or obvious, but I am a bit shaken up after learning this and was hoping to see if anyone had any advice.
I’m not an investigator so just my thoughts. As far as I’m aware, the SF86 does not ask about your parents travel intentions. If the investigator asked you, they might have have seen some sort of red flag, but still, your only obligation there is to answer honestly (which it sounds like you did). I’m not even sure you would need to report this (again, I’m not an expert). Has your investigation already completed? If so, your recruiter can connect you with HR and you can discuss with them. If the investigation is not complete, you can contact the investigator you spoke to and update your info. Just tell them the same thing you said here.
Having said that, the thing you might need to report is this “relatives in a country listed with a do not travel advisory,” if you have had any personal contact with them yourself. That part IS in the SF86 FOREIGN CONTACTS section.
Just a thought…I would wait until your parents decide to travel. From your wording it sounds like they are just thinking about it. You are not required to report the travel of family members, either on your SF86, or to your FSO, unless your specific agency requires it.
The question by the investigator is a little odd, but could be due to the fact that you have relatives residing in that country.
My investigation has already been completed, and now that I think about it that question was actually in an email I received during adjudication. I believe it was moreso about if they ever intended to return/retire there (does that include just visiting?), but the wording was a bit vague. I have never had any contact with these relatives and don’t know their names, but I did disclose that my parents maintained occasional contact/their general existence (texting on birthdays, which is what a visit would be for).
Are there any agencies or organizations that do require reporting family foreign travel?
Hate to sound like a parrot repeating what so many have said on this site so many times, but, read the questions carefully! Also check the guide I posted above.
Right, I filled out and discussed everything at the time (including questions not typically asked on the SF86) with my investigator. I received a favorable adjudication, but haven’t actually started working yet. I have never had and don’t plan on contacting these relatives in the future, they are not my contacts but my parents’. My question was mainly if this, being the potential of one of my parents going over to visit, is something worth trying to contact my employer over or if I’m overthinking it.