I recently had my interim to be approved. How long does it take from a an interim to become adjudicated?
Hey I’m currently waiting on my interim to start work. I actually have a question for you. How long did it take for you to get interim? Also was your sf86 clean? I have 1 instance of taking a puff from a joint in 2014 and lived in Spain for 9 months for university from 2014 to 15. I have also traveled to different countries before but all friendly and very tourist heavy.
Well, I had an interim when I was in the military. Had to resubmit for my
clearance on March 9th. Didn’t get it until July 17th.
I traveled a lot too. My problem is I went to China through my school. Hope
things go well. What kind of work are you going to do?
Data analyst for a contractor that contracts for (cbp) dhs. I’m getting a cbp ssbi (ts) done and I’m worried I won’t get an interim since I think Only completely clean sf86 get through. If I don’t I’ll lose the offer.
Did you fill out the comment section. It doesn’t have to be clean just
honest. They are looking for honesty above all else.
I had a DUI that was dismissed with Prejudice back in 2010. I think you should be fine. I filled out my eQuip on March 9th. My investigation started on May 7th and received my interim on July 17th.
Yeah I am gathering that 4 months is the usual timeline for interim this year. 3-6 months is the spread.
Now the pain is waiting for my interview…Let me know when OPM or whoever does your investigation. I would like to compare notes. I am a disabled veteran so I am hoping mine will go faster. I know that may sound terrible,
No one hats fine. I’ll update you. Should be another month or 2 though
Any luck on a your clearance yet? I have the exact same timeline as you, from application date to interim. Just no clearance yet. My SF86 is squeaky clean.
I’ve been pending an interim for TS SCI almost as long as my investigation has been open. Interim request submitted July 7, 2017, investigation opened April 4, 2017. No negative background history or anything complicated. Not sure why it still hasn’t been granted.
Well, I got my clearance and now I am going to go through the SCI part. I found out that some companies run you through the clearance and than do the SCI part.