Investigation and Adjudication Process


Does anyone happen to know how long the adjudication part of the clearance takes? I was told that my clearance was expedited, but I’m not sure if the investigation, the adjudication, or both are expedited.

I called OPM to check the status of my investigation, and I was told that it is still pending.

Employment/Clearance Timeline:
End of November: Accepted position as a BI with CSRA
End of December: Investigation started and I met up with my investigator
Mid February: Met up with a different investigator

Hopefully I am able to start in April!

Holy cow your timetable is amazing! I am not sure if you realize but 4 months for all this to happened is really really fast. I have been waiting over 350 days and I was told my clearance was being expedited as well.

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Oh really? CSRA stated that they will make the adjudication roughly 90 days after the start of the investigation, so seems about right to me? Are you working as a BI too? I also submitted my EQIP Mid December.

The process is much faster for BI positions. They need more people in the field to help clear the backlog.

Can anyone who has applied as a BI that received their clearance shed some light on how long it took them to be cleared? I would love to hear the timeline of your clearance.

Also, my recruiting coordinator mentioned that it takes up to 90 days from the start of the investigation to be cleared. I don’t know if that is true or not because I can’t seem to find it anywhere that states that.

OPM/NBIB adjudicates far fewer investigations than the much larger agencies. They get through the adjudication on clean cases fairly quickly once the field work is completed. Complicated cases take much longer and may be denied. Not everyone that applies to be an OPM agent/investigator make it through their BI/adjudication.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was told that the DoD is the one who does the adjudication? I heard OPM/NBIB only do the investigations. Not everyone makes it through their BI? Should I be worried? I’ve been waiting couple months now without a part-time/full-time job. I graduated from college and this is my first “real world” job, so I am in my early 20s. Do you think it’s worth the wait? Or should I apply to other jobs?

@ausp I had skype interview for my contractor during December and began employment during May.

Oh I see… was yours expedited as well? Mine seemed like it was going really fast, but ever since someone else took over my investigation, it’s been going slow. As someone who is currently unemployed, I’m counting down the days.

NBIB does the bulk of federal background investigations. Each Agency does the adjudication. DoD only does DoD applicants. OPM/NBIB only does OPM applicants (and contractors).

I called OPM earlier today. They pulled up my notes and mentioned that I will be adjudicated through DoD.

This has been happening as of lately, so good to hear. It’s likely due to where you’ll be expected to be working. You’ll be more marketable in the TS realm if you can easily be seen on JPAS.

I will be working in the DC area. I assumed that working in the DC area would make me more “marketable” on JPAS.

Hi ausp!
I saw that you are going to be working with CSRA-me too!
Although my BI isn’t done yet, here is what my time line has been like so far:
1/31: Fingerprints/Equip received
2/7: Received an email stating that OPM has scheduled my BI and I should hear from my investigator in about three weeks.
2/12: Interim determination received and granted (email was received 2/12, stated that interim was granted 2/8)
2/21: BI called and scheduled interview
2/27: Met with BI at Federal Building, also stopped to get my PIV photo and finger prints since I was there. I asked my BI the process from here, and he said the BI itself will take 30-60 days, and then it will go off for adjudication which will take 5-7 days.
BI started interviewing/contacting people that next week-he’s met with a handful of people already
3/9: CSRA called to schedule my training, as long as I am granted clearance, training will start May 18th (they had openings as early as April 27th, but I am the maid of honor in a wedding early June and cannot be out of town for that)

Best of luck to you! I am also in my early 20’s and recently graduated, the waiting game is the hardest part.

That’s awesome! Seems like your process has been going by really fast. My fingerprints/Eqip were received on 12/12. I have never received an email regarding an Interim determination. This means I was denied an interim right?

My background investigation is coming up 90 days soon since starting the investigation, so I hope it’s done soon… My references/contacts have been contacted/interviewed in mid-January, so it has been some time.

Also, do you know if OPM/NBIB has a date for each case on when they try to finish the investigations by? I know HR told me up to 90 days since the investigation starts, but it would be nice to know that information.

I am honestly not sure about the interim part, I’d imagine you should have received an email either way but I could be completely wrong, it seems like everyone’s case is just a little different.

I am not sure if they have a date for when they try to finish…but I would think your should be done any day now since you’re approaching the 90 day mark. I wish I knew though :frowning:

Fingers crossed that you get your results soon!

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I called OPM, and they told me the investigation closed yesterday! Now waiting for adjudication! do you know how long adjudication takes after the investigation is closed?


Woo, that’s awesome! My BI told me the adjudication process should take 5-7 business days since mine is an “expedited” case. Hopefully yours won’t take long at all :slight_smile:

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Hey ausp & Panda,
My BI told me the same thing Tuesday.
1/25 Conditional Offer Letter
2/2 turned in eQUIP & FP’s
2/16 1st BI interview
3/13 Final BI interview, said it was being sent on to adjudication
3/17 Case Close
3/21 Favorable Determination on T5
3/26 Sponsorship Complete, invitation to schedule PIV from NBIB/OPM
4/3 PIV appointment for fingerprints and photo
4/4 Notice from CSRA to enroll in PIV
4/6 Received call from GDIT (formerly CSRA) setting my start date 5/18
4/19 DoD grants TS

Hopefully I will see y’all in April! (May)


Is this for your secret clearance?