Investigation and Adjudication Process

This is for my SSBI!

Asup- I am in the same boat as you, but I have a question for pandaschmanda1 I have went through the process and now I’m at the stage where I went to go take my photo for my PIV card and fingerprints but I have yet to receive my start date for training … what could be the delay? Should I contact someone from security and ask? Hopefully I can start the training in April as well.

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that’s awesome that you were already adjudicated! do you know how long adjudication took for you? @pandaschmanda1 mentioned that it was 5-7 business days, but i’m sure it is different for everyone.

Odd that the progression is different from candidate to candidate. I’m in adjudication, but have yet to hear anything (other than here) about the PIV process, nor the interim determination that @Pandaschmanda1 received.

@Ham28 , let us know how if you contact anyone at CSRA Security and how it goes.
I tried to reach out to two of the people who sent me documents and to the security group email and got no response.

I don’t know about the interim adjudication. I just received an email stating that I had a favorably determination to work for OPM NBIB contract . If that’s the same thing . I keep reading these post about waiting months to receive your PIV Card and does anyone know when we shall receive the government issued computer?

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday!
@Ham28-I wasn’t contacted for my start date until March 9th, so a couple weeks after I went and got my photo taken for my PIV card. When they called me, the earliest day they had open for me to start my training was April 27th. However, since there is three weeks of training that takes place out of state, I had to push my date back to May 18th, so I’ll be arriving to Falls Church on June 10th. (I am the maid of honor in a wedding early June-so I can’t be out of the state during that time). And congrats on making it to adjudication!

@BobsBigBoy-Isn’t it crazy how everyone’s process is so different?! And also congrats on making it to adjudication!

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When CSRA contacted me to schedule my start date (to start my training), they told me that my work laptop and cell phone should be delivered a day before my training starts (the first three weeks of training are remote from your home).

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Thanks for the great info.
For the training in Falls Church, are we there from start to finish or get to go home on the weekends?

No problem,
I’m actually not sure about that one-I do know the lady who I spoke to mentioned that they have most people fly out for training, so you may not have a way to get home unless you want to fly back and forth. I asked her about the possibility of me driving since I’m only about four hours away and she said that’d probably be fine.

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Hey Pandaschmanda1,
So I got my Favorable Adjudication yesterday.:slightly_smiling_face:

Have a couple more questions:

  1. Did they tell you 3 weeks home training and then 3 weeks at Falls Church?
  2. Did they say anything about the home training? Like is it structured (webinar) or on your own. I’m wondering if I can keep my 9-5 job while I’m doing it.


Congratulations, that’s awesome! :slight_smile:

Remind me again-were you given a start date?

  1. Yes, three weeks at home and then three weeks at Falls Church.
  2. And as far as I know, they said it is remote from home but I am not exactly sure of the formatting. I am wondering that myself as I am the maid of honor in a wedding during my home training and the rehearsal dinner is scheduled to start at 4.

No problem, sorry I wasn’t of much help!

They haven’t talked to me about a start date yet. If I’m going to make the 4/27 class, they need to let me know.
I read on one of the boards that there was a 9AM-12PM webinar/conference call and then another one at 3PM each day during the at home training, but that may have been another contractor.

I did stumble across this CSRA Training, , but with out access, don’t know what is involved.

Congratulations! I’m still waiting for my determination. My case closed 3/13… hopefully I hear back soon…

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I just finished my third week of CSRA training (the in person training).

I think every trainer is different but I had a session at 9am till about 12PM and then another afternoon call at 3PM. Be prepared for a morning and afternoon call though.

hey Zippy! I remember you from the other CSRA - TS/SSBI post! How do you like work? Also, do you happen to remember how long it took you for adjudication? I’m in the adjudication process right now and am wishing to hear back soon…

Hey there! I remember you as well. Unfortunately, that post was deleted due to personal information being shared by someone else. I actually have not officially started my job. Tomorrow would be my first day of mentoring but I have not received a mentor so I have an alternative plan that was given to me by my supervisor.

As for my adjudication, I completed my ESI (Subject Interview) on November 29th and I was officially cleared by OPM the second week of January.

When did you have your ESI?

Thanks Zippy!

  1. can you verify the number of weeks of at home training?

  2. did you go straight from at home to classroom or was there a break?

  3. approx how far before your at home study did CSRA let you know you would be starting?

  4. did you stay over the weekends or get to go home?

  5. did you get a per-diem for meals while you were there?

Thanks again for the info!

Oh I see! Let me know how it goes!

I had 2 subject interviews! The first one was last week of December and second one was first week of February.

  1. Two weeks at home, 1 week in Falls Church with your training class, and 2 weeks shadowing a BI.

  2. No gap in between at home training and in person training.

  3. I was told about 20 days before I started when my start date was.

  4. You can go home if you live close to Falls Church, the company doesn’t pay for you to go home during the weekends.

  5. If you stay at the hotel, all meals are covered by the hotel that’s first week. If you’re local, you’ll be able to have breakfast and lunch. When you’re mentoring and if you traveled here, you’ll get a per diem every day. If you’re local, you keep track of your mileage and get reimbursed.

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That really helps with planning!