Job offer after LOJ Timeline

I recently got a new job offer after losing my previous job before they finished checking my security clearance. Now, I have another offer from a different DOD contractor that also requires the same level of clearance. What’s the deal with the next steps?

Do I have to fill out the SF86 paperwork again and wait through the whole investigation process all over? I already talked to my Background Investigator (BI) and let her know my first job offer got canceled before we could go over the SF86.

Also, is this gonna take longer than usual, especially with the CSR request and everything? I sent in the SF86 back in late October 2023, and my job offer got canceled in mid-January 2024. I do not think it reached adjudication when I got the LOJ, and it has been less than 30 days since the LOJ status was assigned.

The probability is high that you will need basically a whole new investigation If you told the investigator that your job offer was rescinded and there was no interview.

Good news is parts of the previous investigation that were completed will not be redone because of the short timeline.