JPAS Incident Report Double Jeopardy

Can anyone please provide insight into the following real word scenario that actually occurred? What are the circumstances that lead to such an occurrence?

Event 1: A person received a Secret clearance by mistake
Event 2: Upon termination of employment a JPAS incident report was submitted
Event 3: The JPAS incident report was adjudicated favorably and removed
Event 4: 2 years after termination the identical JPAS incident report was resubmitted

This looks to be an example of JPAS Incident Report Double Jeopardy whereby a person who received a Secret clearance by mistake, had a JPAS incident report placed in their record which was later adjudicated and removed only to have the same JPAS incident report reinitiated by the employer of two years prior and who had no owning relationship in JPAS.

Definition of Double Jeopardy: the prosecution or punishment of a person twice for the same offence.

Can anyone please provide insight into how a circumstance such as this is allowed to happen? I cannot find another example of this same scenario occurring anywhere.

There is no such thing as double jeopardy in clearance, that is a criminal/legal issue.

That being said, i believe there is a rule or ethical law regarding previous employers erroneously or maliciously installing incident reports on someone who no longer works there.