Legal and valid reasons for denying a Public Trust?

I worked previously for two call centers as temp jobs and lost them because I wasn’t able to achieve certain performance metrics. Are those valid and legal reasons to deny me a public trust? What is the maximum investigation time scope for a High Risk PT (how far back can they look?)

The questionnaire is available for you to review online. Scope is listed in sections and questions.

Not achieving performance metrics at a previous employer will not be a sole denial reason, except in extreme cases.

Granting of public trust is based on whole person concept.

I’d say no. Some just aren’t cut out for collections work or sales calls. Be honest in the interview, bring termination letter if you have.

I was fully honest in the BI interview but the determination shows several mistakes, meaning that the agency didn’t fully read the interview report. It also shows almost complete ignorance / disregard of either mitigating circumstances and the whole person concept. I tried to appeal through DOHA but my hearing was denied.