Living Overseas w/ TS Clearance

I work for a government contractor and I’m fully remote with a TS Clearance. Currently, I’m here in the States but I’m wondering if it would be possible for me to live outside of the country for the majority of the year without issue? I’d say roughly 5% of the time I need to access classified information and I can easily travel back to the States to jump into SCIF. Let me know if this would be feasible. TIA!

I think this would be very much dependent on the customer/sponsor. Some would be a hard and fast “NO!” while others might delay a while before saying no.

At best it would be complicated…

My two cents thrown out before the assembled crowd.

PS one time I traveled overseas for an extended period away from my cleared contractor job… ON OFFICIAL MILITARY DUTY… one customer said “fine no problem” but another said “read him off then when he gets back, we’ll see about reading him back on.”