Maintaining my Clearance

I currently work at a place and have a secret clearance. I am due for review in about 4 years. I met my boyfriend almost a year ago and we are planning to get married. Problem is, he is an illegal immigrant. He came to the US legally but just overstayed his visa. If me and him got married, could that affect my clearance. I plan on being 100% honest on my review about the situation

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Read into it what you will.

I would seek an immigration lawyer first. See if you can resolve the immigration status. This will be an issue as you will need to speak to foreign nationals and the degree of contact. Any attempt to dance around the topic will cause major problems. Is it possible for him to depart, request a new visa, and then return? There will be risk he is denied a return visa.

“Just overstayed his visa”?

It appears as if you should choose between your clearance or your lover.

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Did yall end up getting married?