Multiple Jobs and SF85

I currently hold 3 jobs and work on all jobs as full time and i got the 4th job offer from the federal. They asked me to fill SF85. I see job employment history, looks like they wont approve my clearance as 3 ongoing job will be a red flag, what you guys suggest?

It’s not a red flag if there’s a valid explanation for it. If you’re triple dipping or being shady about it, then yes that’s a problem.

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When I encounter someone listing overlapping employment, I have them walk me through their day. It’s not uncommon to have someone work 6 to 2 at one job, get off that job and go to a different job and work 4 to midnight. If the job site is the same location (I take into account commuting time) it can make sense. Not a red flag, but it is something that needs to be discussed. Same situation if you are claiming full time student status (could be an online program that you can flex around your work schedule) while working full time.

I also ask if all of their employers are aware that they are working multiple jobs.

This is a remote job but I am using same time for both companies so I think it’s a red flag and it’s very risky, I know when it comes to ethics they can deny me clearance right away

If you are billing the same time for both companies, you are committing time fraud. Yea, that’s an issue. Unethical and most likely illegal.

So if in the future I will apply for a federal job and let’s say I will have just one job, will they still deny me the clearance if I list multiple companies I worked for in the same time period as full time employee? I thought clearance is about honesty