I originally got my TS/SCI when I was in the Army, and after I left active duty, started working as a contractor overseas. This was about 2 years ago. At the time, I had to wait for a “clearance crossover” to occur between DIA (it was a DIA contract) and DoD which issued me the clearance. The process took months, but had to be completed before I could start working.
Fast forward to a few months ago. I’m coming up for re-investigation. I opted to have my clearance renewed through the Army Reserves, rather than the specific company I work for as a contractor because I didn’t know my long term plans for staying with the company.
With that said, do I need to worry again about the clearance crossover, given my clearance is being reinvestigated by DoD?
I didn’t want to make a new thread, but had another question:
I have repeated travel to Russia/a 3 year Russian visa, and plan to go to Belarus soon for vacation…is this a reason for concern or is it fine if I just report all my travel? In some cases, I reported my travel months after the fact because I wasn’t affiliated with DIA at the time of travel.