Past Delinquent Debt Misunderstanding

My interviewer met with me 2 days ago and called me back today because i guess she forgot to ask me a question. she said “you werent required to list it on your form but when i asked you if you had anything delinquent over 180 days in the last 7 years you mentioned the one account and failed to mention a few others” and i clearly misunderstood the question and im scared they are going to think i was falsifying information or being untruthful. When i did my initial clearance in 2011 it asked if I was currently delinquent on anything past 180 days. at that time i was only aware I was delinquent on 1 (i now know there was more than 1), which I listed on the form, and the amount. When she asked me that question in this interview i quickly and happily told her no, because it was paid back in 2012, however i did provide full disclosure of that account anyway, and when i paid it off. I incorrectly assumed that was the account she was referring to in this interview because I had previously mentioned it before and was not told or asked about any discrepancies regarding my finances. i know they pull everyones credit report and can see everything so it would be ridiculous to lie about that. I was under the impression that she was going to go over every negative item on my credit report that was of concern, and i would have the opportunity to explain each. She did not do that. If I had known I should bring a copy of my credit report to be able to list everything off i would have been happy to do that. The week before I even went through and made a list of each negative item just to make DOUBLE sure everything had been taken care of and there were no mistakes. (of course i forgot this list at home the day of the interview) I specifically remember her asking me a financial question in the interview and me trying to rack my brain for the answer and SAYING OUT LOUD “ahh i wrote all of this information down for this i should have remembered my list” and her response was “oh thats alright” that statement from her right there gave me the immediate impression that i was not going to be punished for not recalling exact information about every single thing and that if she wanted to know about something, she would just ask me. clearly a mistake on my part. i wish she would have asked me to give her the information when i got home or something to let me know that my specific account for every negative item was important. so to sum it all up, when she called me i happened to be at my desk thank goodness and was able to pull up my credit report that I had saved on my desktop thank god and give her all the information she asked. I even provided her with some items before she even had the chance to ask and gave her more detail about each one than was even required such as total number of payments and the amounts and dates of some. As of last year I have no accounts with outstanding balances, delinquencies and everything has/had been paid in full, and to date i am not late or behind on anything. i know that was a mouthful but it bothers me that this could look like a concern when it was an honest mistake and i have no delinquent debts.

@shfo89 here’s link to the DOHA site:
you’ll see the results of all the cases and under what circumstances it happened. Sad to say yes they can deny your clearance if you were not upfront with them. On this site there are so many cases that the clearance was denied because the applicant did not list past or forgotten debt on their e-qipt questionnaire and in interviews. The consensus, it looks like from all the cases reviewed, you have hope if you take care of the debt immediately and provide proof, you’ll be o.k.
Good luck as I have old debt I need to care of too to get my clearance.

Thanks for your reply Jeffc. Hopefully the both of us will be fine!

–Marko id love to hear your take on this.

The non-disclosure (under personal conduct)of the debts can be mitigated as well if as you say it was not intentional. You just have to get out in front of any potential SOR by taking the initiative to address the debts and explaining the discrepancy in writing as you have here on this site.