Peraton Or CACI

How do i set my boundaries when i’m having difficulties meeting my metrics? Its the driving thats killing me. I’m putting 100 to 80 miles 5 days a week. Then after all that i need to type up to complete for the day. What can i do any differently?

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Peraton has a published policy of TDY travel time. 100 miles equals one hour of travel time. Doesn’t your manager allow TDY travel time recorded on your time sheet? The document is in the library.

I was going to comment the same thing about TDY travel time (Peraton). That will help your stats since you are traveling outside of your area.

CACI as of 1/1/2023, doesn’t provide time credit for team meetings, travel, administrative tasks, PIV or CAC cards, technical issues, or manifesting. They rolled it out saying they decreased the WT requirements to off-set the time credits, but that was smoke n mirrors. If one actually crunches the numbers they are working against the Investigator.


My expectation was lowered by .5 WTPD which “supposedly” covers ALL those things. You didn’t even mention packing up your retention every month, our annual training and continuing education, Touchpoints, etc, etc…

I just left CACI and am coming to Peraton on Monday. While I haven’t started at Peraton yet, all I can say is CACI is 100% making changes that are setting investigators up for failure. If you like your Team Lead, stay where you are. CACI has ridiculous metrics, forced OT, no bonuses, almost zero TDY opportunities, and most Team Leads are completely checked out. The ones who still care about their teams are barely allowed to do anything to support them. It’s bonkers at CACI right now. Maybe check back in 6 months when all of their current investigators jump ship and they have to start over again.


If you are jumping ship for specific promises of workload, zoning, hours, etc. Be sure to get documentation from your manager with all of that in writing. Trust but verify and confirm. Some have been jumping ship and then jumping back again when promises aren’t kept.


I worked for Perspecta before it was Peraton and from what I understand so far from the new guidance I have been given from CACI the new production calculations are very similar to what I had at Perspecta before I left in 2019. I was very stressed at Perspecta and it was very difficult to meet my SU expectations because everything went towards production. It did not matter if I was stuck in traffic in a major metro it was going towards production. As an over achieving perfectionist I let that job get to me way too much and when I resigned a large weight was lifted off me. Everything CACI has sent out sounds just like what I left, they even said they were trying to be more in line with the other companies, i.e. Peraton. I am not excited about the new changes but I know jumping ship will not be better. Perspecta also had a much harder RZ policy to follow. Since Peraton is the former Perspecta I can guarantee their policies will not be more investigator friendly than they were when I left and more than likely they have become less friendly. While I am an investigator I just assume stick with CACI. Now if I find a different position all together… well I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.


Hi all, Just curious if anyone has heard anything about investigators with Paragon Systems? I’ve had a conditional offer since June 2022, Required clearance received in December 2022, according the recruiter just waiting for a training date, other than that no information from them… Is this typical for these positions and is Paragon having the same issues others are expressing with CACI and Peraton?

Recently left CACI for Paragon. Paragon treats me much better, but they were TERRIBLE with communication re: my onboarding. I wasn’t even sure my first day was actually happening until a laptop and printer showed up unannounced.

Paragon is by far superior to Peraton in treatment of employees.

Thanks, The position I applied for and accepted an offer for was entry level, waiting on a training date apparently. and I just read about the DCSA contract going to CACI and Peraton. Hoping the investigator position still exists with Paragon. Haven’t received any rejection letter yet…

If you have your clearance already adjudicated there is nothing stopping you from applying to the other two companies.

Can you shed any light on the current happenings with Paragon? I have a conditional offer with them and have received my clearance. I’ve been told I’m just waiting on a training date. How have things been affected since Paragon did not get the DCSA contract? Are they still filling Background Investigator positions or are those positions being allocated elsewhere or eliminated? Very little infor from Paragon directly…

Is there a document available anywhere that outlines all these metrics and requirements? I am new to this career field, and just waiting for a training date.

Paragon is becoming a subcontractor for CACI. They are still working on contracts and trying to figure out what the workload will look like. I would contact whoever you onboarding contact is for an update. I was a CACI employee, given a conditional offer of employment for Paragon a few months ago (pending a contract resolution - I was already cleared and credentialed), and after months of waiting for a start date so I could resign from CACI, I gave up and applied to Peraton. I was hired by Peraton and onboarded instantly. So I would guess that waiting on Paragon depends on your own personal situation and if you can afford to wait for them. Good luck!

The metrics will be explained to you in training. They may not make sense if someone tried to explain it to you now before you are actually training and/or in the field.

Curious if any other CACI employees have been placed on a PIP (performance improvement plan) over the last few months? My SL appears to place some employees on a PIP for not meeting metrics and doesn’t write up others for the same violation. He holds employees to different standards.I haven’t been placed in one but I am worried with how crazed my SL is that anyone can be wrote up on a whim.

It sounds like you just have micro-managing supervisor, which in my experience makes this job hell.


I may be tempted to take my concerns to HR if he appears to be discriminating.


When I worked at CACI, I saw the EXACT same thing happen. People who clearly didn’t cars about anything were being given passes month after month, and people who tried their best but missed production by a smidge were put on a PIP. It was a blatant display of favoritism.