Hello guys. I was in the process of getting TS/SCI at the one of three letter agency. I completed my psyc evaluation and passed poly for first attempt. Also, my bi report was completed in the beginning of April in this year. Recently, I was informed from my recruiter that the processing Agency has been discontinued without explaining the specific reasons. It wasn’t a denial of TS/SCI but it sounds like just my processing has been discontinued. The only way I can ask question regarding this matter is sending snail letter to provided address. I have been waiting for about 3 years but really disappointed on their decision for now. I already sent my letter with my questions to them just in case. Anybody know what’s going on this issue or I’d like to be shared any thought from you guys. I literally can do anything to be considered again for the position. Thank you.
Usually in a situation like this a person will receive something in writing. Is that how your recruiter communicated this information to you?
Hard to say for sure but it certainly sounds like some kind of security issue. If it is a case that the position is simply no longer available, they usually tell you that you can apply again. But I’m sure not every agency operates the same way.
Hopefully someday (and not three years from now) you will get a response to your letter with some additional info.
It could be that you were just not competitive enough, didn’t get through the processing earliest or the position you were going to fill is no longer available. Did you get a notice that you are eligible to apply again in 1 year?
One sticky thing is that I submitted another eqip for getting a public trust as gov contractor while I just waiting for adjudication. I was informed that a week after I submitted it.
My recruiter informed me that through email first but I need to write letter to provided address.
Yes, my recruiter said that I can apply again after a year of the closeout decision.
That does kinda sound like a suitability related issue.