Hello everyone, I was doing some research online about public trust clearance online and found this website. Briefly speaking I am going through an employment process at a US embassy overseas as a locally employed staff (LES), as named by the Dept of State. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to discuss it here as most of the information are applicable only to US citizens.
The post is mostly clerical and open to non-US citizens and only requires a public trust clearance. The form used here is called “Overseas Vetting Questionnaire” (OVQ), no form like SF-85 or 86 is used. Though I was a international student on F-1 visa between 2013-2017, I have SSN but the form does not have a section for SSN.
The timeline briefly goes here:
March 2024, interviewed for the post
late April 2024, conditional offer accepted
mid-May 2024, HR collected the OVQ form, physical exam done, and no updates since then.
Wondering if anyone had related experience for public trust clearance applicable to non-US citizens? Also I’d ask if all public trust investigation include interviews? Is there a chance that no interview is involved then the applicant just need to wait quietly?
Greatly appreciated for any information provided.
I think it is basically a similar process but mainly conducted by the hiring embassy/consulate’s security office, possibly in conjunction with local law enforcement.
Nothing moves quickly in these matters so it’s not surprising you have not heard anything yet.
Did you look on state.gov? They have forums there but mainly for foreign service and civil service applicants, can’t recall if they have a section for LES.
@Lauer_Y_Liu - I am also in a similar situation submitted my OVQ ending of May and still have not heard anything. Have you been contacted yet??
Hello Kay thanks for your reply. Unfortunately not yet. I looked up on some local social media which told me the process could take 3 months to 1 year, but most of them are pre-covid so I doubt whether it’s still the case 
Hi sbusquirrel, thank you for your reply. I tried to search on other forums but rarely do I see relative info. I wonder if they have intranets for DoS but I won’t be able to access.
I understand it takes time but was still expecting an interview invitation quickly after forms were submitted. However it’s apperantly not the case. 
Any news yet @Lauer_Y_Liu
I finished my initial security interview with a local staff early Aug, and nothing since then.