I went through the process and received a conditional job offer from the CIA which was recently revoked due to being denied a clearance. I totally botched the poly and told them a ton of things which were outside of the scope of the questions asked. On the poly, one issue related to Guideline E came up (I brought it up before we started the poly) - but although it is weird, it is not illegal and not blackmail material.
The day after my poly I received the update on the denied clearance. I have not received a LOI/SOR yet, so I do not know the specific reasons but I bet it is related to the that issue. I am kind of surprised that the denial was so quick after the poly, but unsure if I should read into that.
If I were to reapply (in a year), is having been denied a clearance from that same agency a total non-starter? Additionally, if I were to reapply and get a conditional offer, how much information will the adjudicator have from my prior background investigation and poly (unsure if they will treat me as a clean/new applicant or if they will review the results of the prior poly).
Is it worth reapplying in a year or I should just consider this path no longer viable? Multiple Agency staff (Office of Security) stated that they have staff who were denied prior for whatever reason, reapplied, and later joined. Unsure if they are blowing smoke though.