Pursuing Same Job at CIA After Being Denied Clearance From Them

I went through the process and received a conditional job offer from the CIA which was recently revoked due to being denied a clearance. I totally botched the poly and told them a ton of things which were outside of the scope of the questions asked. On the poly, one issue related to Guideline E came up (I brought it up before we started the poly) - but although it is weird, it is not illegal and not blackmail material.

The day after my poly I received the update on the denied clearance. I have not received a LOI/SOR yet, so I do not know the specific reasons but I bet it is related to the that issue. I am kind of surprised that the denial was so quick after the poly, but unsure if I should read into that.

If I were to reapply (in a year), is having been denied a clearance from that same agency a total non-starter? Additionally, if I were to reapply and get a conditional offer, how much information will the adjudicator have from my prior background investigation and poly (unsure if they will treat me as a clean/new applicant or if they will review the results of the prior poly).

Is it worth reapplying in a year or I should just consider this path no longer viable? Multiple Agency staff (Office of Security) stated that they have staff who were denied prior for whatever reason, reapplied, and later joined. Unsure if they are blowing smoke though.

sorry to hear that. Yes, that is a VERY quick denial.

I don’t know of anyone that was ever denied and then given a job later.
They are kinda a turd agency when it comes to clearances. They denied me for being written up at a job 8 years ago.

With you being rejected so quickly, i’m thinking it was something significant. Up to you if you want to share but i would not hold my breath on that agency. They are “holier than thou” and remember for future reference, the security ppl are not your friends. They absolutely want to fail you.

This is definitely the conventional wisdom. I’m sure there are some exceptions to this quasi-rule but I personally do not know of any. I do know of people who got rejected from CIA for security/suitability who did get hired at other IC agencies, and even some who were cleared by CIA to work on their programs as a contractor (though not “on site” with “staff-like access”).

This is great advice, it is definitely a learning experience on how the security people conduct themselves.

The “holier than thou” attitude was on a new level. Definitely disappointing to see (especially given how (surprisingly) unimpressive most of the people I spoke with were).

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Sorry for the double reply. Have you reapplied to the Agency since being denied? I am interested to see if people had success even being able to apply (after signaling interest).

EVERYTHING will carry over, and anything you fail to disclosed on the 2nd go round will count against you. Read the questions carefully and answer fully and honestly. This is the way.

I I got denied for them too on Dec 16 this year. After going through all investigations because of foreign influence (family from other countries). And I called them and was told that I can’t apply to them FOREVER and the record stays FOREVER for the agency (not others, ONLY them). However, later, I received the mailed letter saying I could apply after a year. I am not sure who I should believe LOL. If you do not desperately want to sign up for them, then find other jobs in which you’ll have more freedom of everything. (Heard if you hired a nanny who is an undocumented immigrant, you could totally lose your clearance).

This happened to a guy where I used to work. But he managed to get his clearance back maybe ten years later-- he was able to stay with the company and work on unclassified programs. In his case there may have been some other factors at work as well, I think they were trying to get a relative out of “the old country” and so they set it up as an “au pair” or something like that. Almost like human smuggling (but for a good cause :slight_smile: )

Up to you if you want to share

My SOR was related to Guideline E, personal conduct. There were two issues discussed which were breaking a friend’s video game in college while drunk and watching loli hentai (nothing illegal but I stopped once I started the security process).

Working with a law firm on the case. The law firm has had appeals be overturned in the applicants’ favor regarding loli hentai before (but with NSA), but personally I think it has a 10% chance of being overturned.

What is loli hentai?

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I dunno, but im afraid to google it :rofl:

It is basically like this image, but it is explicit/adult content.

I think “hentai” means something like “horny” in Japanese. :thinking: :crazy_face:

You do realize there is plenty of real actual live human porn…?

I have not. I have no interest in working for them.

There is LOTS of incompetence when it comes to security at that agency.

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just out of curiosity, when did you take your poly?

When first saw the portal notification saying disqualified, I was so despondent and wanted to throw up. But when I think of every day working there, it’s gonna be like in a jail… Then I feel relief now, luckily I still have my current job.

Jun got COE, Aug done poly

That is definitely the general opinion with CIA, but I personally know of people who did get hired after a security denial at other IC agencies with the same agency that issued the original denial.