Question about failing polygraph and still getting TS-SCI

I don’t know if you will get a chance to talk with an investigator again. You may be asked back for a third poly but your examiner said that your results were going to adjudication.

Hopefully, you go to adjudication and when the whole package is reviewed, they realize that you have no connection to terrorism and you are granted a clearance.

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I would anticipate at least a phone call from the adjudicator. Maybe even an interview. If you make a reasonable enough explanation for the odd reading…you get cleared. If you do not…then they need make a determination. It is not unusual at all to get 2 poly’s and a follow up interview. At all. So do not get more afraid because you had a second poly or even fall for the “you failed” the first poly. I doubt anyone in Poly ever used that term and for a reason. They also never say you lied…I have heard the words evidence of deception. You can appeal a SOR but before you get too worked up wait and see what the outcome is. I have people uber confident who get called back multiple times and people feeling devastated and not believed who sail on through on one poly.


There is no meaningful avenue of appeal for polygraph victims.

My first poly was inconclusive, he said it was all over the place. My second showed deception on two questions that were related. When pushed for why it would show deception he kept saying my reasons “couldn’t be it”. Told the results were going to my adjudicator. I was told that I had to “pass” the poly in order to be granted my TS-SCI. So I am just super confused.

I got a call back yesterday for a 3rd poly. But its over a month away.

If your polygraph was with the NSA or CIA, note that it is not at all uncommon for applicants with these agencies, who use a technique known as the relevant/irrelevant “test”, to be subjected to as many as three polygraph sessions. It is common for applicants to initially be accused of “having problems,” to be badgered for admissions, and then to be invited back for one or more “re-tests.”

Despite knowing you passed?

Nobody knows they passed. The raw data is theirs (the testing agencies) to interpret. If they felt you flubbed on a couple, they want to see if you consistently flub or was it a one of. Many do lie and try to conceal info on their Poly. I have been amazed when a previous employee brings the SOR to me for assistance. When asked about the claims on the SOR they admit they gave the information. And it directly conflicts with what they told me prior or on any of their SF86’s. So all agencies have good reason to think at least 30% are attempting to BS them.

Hey, any update on your progress? I’m heading in for a 4th poly next week and the stress definitely doesn’t eases up.

Nope, no word yet. Took a 3rd Poly went OK but still didn’t completely clear everything up. Now I’m waiting on adjudication.

Any updates on this thread alleycat? I’m in a similar boat so would love to know if there’ve been any developments. As I’m sure you know, the waiting is the worst part…

Nope nothing yet. Had an in person interview with an investigator or adjudicator in November and he said he didn’t see an issue but did state they may request another poly with a different examiner since all three of mine were with the same examiner.

Hey alleycat,

Definitely in a similar boat as you. Had two inconclusive polys and was invited to meet with an adjudicator to go over why I may have had responses to questions and the meeting itself appeared to be unproductive since I didn’t really have any new information. I was asked if I’d be willing to undergo a third polygraph and I said yes so I guess we’ll see what happens. In this process for almost 2 years now.

Any updates on your end?

Nope, nothing new. Just waiting

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Thanks for the quick response. It’s comforting to see similar experiences on this thread. It must stink to have to go through four polys potentially though. When you had the interview with the adjudicator after your third poly, did you feel it was productive - as in you were able to provide outside reasons that mitigated your polys? I had trouble providing strong evidence that proved “no I wasn’t actually lying even though two different people thought i was because I have a guilty conscious”

I thought that was not the way things are supposed to work?

I did feel like it was productive. He seemed to understand why certain things would cause a response with my poly

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I’m not certain that its not supposed to be done like that, but I’ve been told that its not

Hey @alleycat any word yet? I’ve been undergoing a clearance since February & I take my first polygraph next week. Super nervous!

Hey Chelsey, was your poly scheduled recently? Just trying to understand if they are back in business scheduling them.

For which agency or location?