Question for Peraton BIs that are employees

Is anyone else insulted by the “after detailed consideration, etc.” that they come up with .1 for an RT/UC?

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That is pretty minute and a bit insulting. I was thinking …20 or 25 would be reasonable but the money for the hedge fund investors owning Peraton must be made somehow. They can’t give it all to us. Security clearance investigations won’t be needed for much longer anyway so it will all be moot. You will receive one automatically once you verify who you voted for. :crazy_face:

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I laughed out loud when we got that email…I had to restrain myself from not replying to that email with how big of a joke it was.

I noticed the email mentioned they would be re-considering SU amounts for telephonic/VTC interviews…I guarantee they will be reducing SU totals for remote interviews.

Peraton, among many other companies these days, is indeed owned by “private equity” which is not necessarily the same as a hedge fund. And I’m sure the profit generated by the BI business is pocket change compared to the other parts of the business. Still, if you squeeze enough nickels out of a business it adds up.

You are right . The leaders of Veritas Capital (Ramzi Musallam ,Hugh Evans, Benjamin Polk) should really be labelled as Bankers. Bankers make money and national security isn’t usually very high on their radar.


I just shook my head.

My thoughts exactly! They give us .1 but now suddenly everything else is less.

I left Peraton back in the fall of 2024 for a couple of reasons, one being not getting any SU for RT/UCs. When the Regional Director called me to try to get me to stay they told me that the company was in the process of changing things and Investigators would be getting SU for RT/UCs and RT/RFs but they did say how many SU or when it would happen. When I read this post I laughed. I am so happy I am no longer with them.

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