Reapply after rejecting FJO

I received an FJO about 2 months ago but couldn’t take it due to a family emergency. My family situation is resolved and I would like to apply again. Would they re-consider my application?

That would be up to the company. I’m not sure how you expect any of us to know.

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Oh sorry it is an agency in the Department of Defense. I thought maybe someone who worked in those agencies might know

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Reach out to either your Security Officer or to the HR people you were in contact with and inquire.
If you made it through clearance and the full process then they probably would want to continue (I’m assuming).

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Assuming there is a vacancy announcement similar to the one you applied to, definitely! Hopefully most of the processing is still current (like what @FragmentedStory said) though I think you will have to start with a new application. But see what HR says, maybe they can revive the previous one.

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