Rental Property

When filling out the employment section of the SF85P for public trust, is it appropriate to list owning a rental property as employment? Or, does landlord of one property not qualify as employment if it isn’t your main job?

If you manage the property, meaning you work on the property, or do anything to maintain the property, it is considered self-employment. But, if you have a management company acting as the landlord, you would not have to list self-employment.

Ok. Thanks. In this situation then who am I supposed to list as my employer or supervisor? Surely, investigators are not wanting to talk to a renter?

If I have a cousin in-law that helps me maintain the property as a plumber/maintenance person would that work?

For a self employment, we will ask for anyone with knowledge of the self employment. This can be customers, suppliers, employees, the accountant, a business partner, a tenant, etc. If there is no company title then you can list your name as the employer and if there is no company address you can list your home address as the employer address. If you only have one property then you can list the property address as the work site location, if there is more than one property you can just mark the box that the work site location is the same as employer address.Make sure you mark the self employment box and not the “other” box or any of the other options.


Your cousin-in-law would work. The investigator will have to talk to two sources, so have another person knowledgeable of the self-employment. You may also be asked if you have a business license.