Secret Clearance Chance with a Few Red Flags

Hello all,
Looking for some info about the possibility of being granted a Secret clearance with a few red flags. Here are the red flags:

  • A received a DUI (Drunkenness in Traffic) in Germany last June. My license was suspended for a year and had to pay a few thousand Euro fine.
  • I have a Misdemeanor A Conversion (Indiana version of Petty Theft) from 2011. I was on probation for a year and had to pay a few hundred dollars to the court.

Outside of that, no other red flags. I’ve graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree and have held a steady job for decades. I already know I won’t get an interim, to which I don’t mind. Would love to hear some feedback on what my chances may be. Thanks

The A Conversion should already be mitigated by time so should not be an issue.

Normally, you need at least a year of time plus some sort of rehab or something to show you understand how bad dunk driving is in order to mitigate. BUT, I have no idea if a DUI in Germany would be treated the same or worse/or better.