Security Clearance Reissue Timeline


After holding a security clearance for 35 years, my last company did not enter all of the manual paperwork that I had submitted to them as requested. I left that company in May 2022. In 2023 I was contingently offered a position with Lockheed Martin until they found out my clearance had expired (Thanks Honeywell!). In August 2024 I was offered a contingent position with Northrop Grumman located at Edwards AFB CA. The contingency was based on my ability to get my clearance restored and then special access being granted to the program. All of my updated SF86 via EQUIP was submitted prior to September 2024 and of course, it has dropped into the black hole of the government clearance process. I was told it could take 3 to 5 months despite my clearance only having been expired for a bit over 2 years. Does anyone have experience with the timing of a reissued clearance? Thanks, Scott

I don’t think it is a matter of “reissuing” an expired clearance but rather doing an entire new investigation. Three to five months actually sounds a bit optimistic especially with the holidays falling within that timeframe.

And then you need to be granted the special access before you can start? I’ve never been personally involved in that but I’ve heard it can take a matter of days… or much longer.

Best wishes that all goes smoothly and quickly!

I don’t really have anything to say on your situation- but make sure you are practicing OPSEC on here, especially with specific company names and exactly where you will be working.

If you are in continuous vetting then the 2 year rule is not supposed to be used as i understand it.

Does that still apply once the person has left the cleared position?

I would think not but i’m not sure.