SF85P - To list expired foreign passports, along with current ones, or not?

Hi, everyone. I’m an existing clearance holder, but my partner is filling out her SF85P for a full-time Moderate Risk Public Trust position with a non-defense related Federal agency. The question we have is whether she should add EVERY single foreign passport she’s had even since birth/childhood?

She is a US Permanent Resident who has both Belgian and French passports, and has since birth, but obviously many of them are expired and she only has one each of unexpired/current ones. In the Foreign Passport Information section #10, if she were to list EVERY single passport including the expired ones there would be multiple dozens of countries traveled in there.

The question asks, “Have you EVER [not my emphasis] been issued a passport (or identity card for travel) by a country other than the U.S.?” and not, “List EVERY passport…”

Since the later foreign travel section #19 only covers the past 7 years, it is my opinion that she should list only her most recent passports that cover those 7 years of travel, and not any earlier ones (including earlier adult years and childhood travel), but instead I think she should add a comment about having expired ones and can furnish copies on-demand.

What do you think?

They are two separate questions and need to be treated as such. I do not have a copy of the SF85 accessible at the moment, but if Question 10 is asking if you have EVER been issued …blah blah blah, then she needs to list every one. There is no time span on that question.

The Foreign Travel question needs to be answered as it is asked; list travel for the last 7 years.

Are you sure she’s not filling out an SF86? I do not recall the SF85 requiring foreign passports to be listed, but I could be wrong.

They need to list all of their foreign passports.


Your opinion is incorrect. You have to list them all.

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Yep. There’s a reason that section has multiple lines under “Provide the countries to which you traveled on this passport.” If she’s travelled THAT much, she will probably have to use a blank page to add more lines. Also, if it’s a ton of travel, don’t be surprised if the investigation takes a long time.

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@clearedrob @investigator721 @backgdinvestigator @SMCVA

This brings up an entirely different question… You only need a passport to enter the EU at your initial port of entry, which means that there are multiple countries visited within the EU AFTER arriving at the initial country. Do those countries count as “countries traveled to” on that foreign passport? The passport is not required to enter those countries and there are no stamps in the passport showing any kind of entry into that country. Obviously some of these countries will be covered under the foreign travel section if it was within the last 7 years, but outside of that time frame any trip to the EU would only require showing that foreign passport at the initial port of entry and you’d have no interaction with customs or passport control.

You need to list all of the countries. Whether you showed the passport and got a stamp is irrelevant, you are still traveling on that passport. The investigator may ask why the passport was not stamped and then you would explain the ability to travel within certain countries without having to produce the passport for verification and a stamp.

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Meh, I would err on the side of caution if I were you. But you do you.

The good news: Easy question
Bad News: Answer is yes. All foreign passports are required with countries that were traveled to for each corresponding passport.