Timeline 2025 Thread

@Coddiwhomp For me, it was a year since the CJO in December 2024. In fact, a year to the day when they emailed me saying I was one step closer to getting hired (whatever that means) and sent some benefit paperwork for me to submit once I received the FJO. No news since then. Did you get a similar notification by any chance?

I really wish I knew if I got adjudicated or not since there was no mention of it in the email and my contact in the agency said she didn’t know.

I presume I passed my poly, since I was told “I’d know if I didn’t.” I contact my recruiter on a monthly basis, and was told things are still moving and they haven’t received any guidance from the new admin that’d adversely affect my processing. I received benefit information when I got my CJO, but nothing for me to submit iirc. Did you receive your FJO from the IC agency in the DoD?

I’m processing with a non-DoD agency so it might be a bit different. I created a new topic here for people to share their concerns and updates following the 2025 hiring freeze, buyout offers and all that circus so feel free to join:


Recently cleared for Non DOD IC. Note this was an upgrade, I was already cleared at the TS/SCI with CI poly level for them but needed FSP.

SF-86 submission - 12/2023
FS Poly only needed one, thank god - 03/2024
Reached out to for clarification on sf86 ~ 08/2024
Cleared FSP - 02/2025

Took me a little over a year to get my FSP taken and adjudicated. Note, I am a contractor.

Can finally contribute here.

2/2024 - Application
4/2024 - Interview
7/2024 - CJO issued and SF-86 sent
9/2024 - BI interview and references contacted
10/2024 - Poly and psych completed
1/2025 - Suitability completed
2/2025 - FJO issued
6/2025 - EOD

Glad to finally be near the end of the process but I’m finding it difficult to feel as excited as I used to be about it given everything going on with federal employment right now.


If I could, I would post the “angry congrats happy for you” meme.

Really though, congrats!


Thank you!

Also because I’m sure people want to know, it is a technical position located at MD HQ.

Congrats! Just take it as it comes, enjoy it while it lasts (which is hopefully a long time). Thats all im doing as a new hire. Soaking the experience up one day at a time.


Congrats! Nice to see they are still giving out FJO’s!


I have an EOD of 3/10 for a 0132 in MD. Does it make sense to try to push back the EOD or should I stay the course to try to avoid the freeze


I think I would stay the course.

I’ve recently gotten my FJO as well. Same as bjo, I’m finding it hard to be excited for the job that I may or may not know exist by the time that I get there. It’s especially hard since this would include a cross country move for me

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This will have long-lasting consequences for recruitment and retention. Had I known federal employees would be treated this way, I likely wouldn’t have pursued this path in the first place.

Undermining the national security apparatus like this is a short-sighted decision with serious long-term risks. The current administration seems to believe that push-ups and sit-ups alone defines military strength, while our adversaries wage constant warfare on digital and intelligence fronts. Prioritizing ideology over capability weakens our ability to respond to modern threats.

Apologies for the frustrated rant. All I wanted to do was help protect our country, along with everyone else here, and now I feel we are all being mistreated because of it.


We also have to understand that this is likely temporary. Is there a lot of government waste? 100% there is. Is there jobs out there that are not necessarily needed? I am sure there is. However, I am sure those are insignificant enough that it wouldn’t even be close to making a dent in the budget. What really needs to be looked at is government contracts that are overcharging for supplies because they are the only places we can buy from. The other day we were talking about an ink cartridge on a printer that costs over $500. This is not a stand up printer either, but slightly larger than a home printer. One example of a much larger problem.


I guess it is time for me to add my timeline to this thread.

02/2024 - Applied for job
04/24 - Interview request
05/24 - CJO and SF-86
06/24 - SF-86 approved
10/24 - Poly and psych completed
11/24 - Cleared Candidate List notification
12/24 - Contacted by CCL office about positions/locations I would consider
02/25 - Offered new position (same job as initial application)
02/25 - FJO Issued
05/25 - EOD

I have had a clearance for a number of years already but NSA likes to do their own clearances. However, not as many references were contacted and I never had a face-to-face interview. I am just playing the waiting game for now to see what happens, but I am also considering just staying at my current position depending on how things with the federal government work out.


Nice! What field if you are comfortable sharing?

I would prefer not to say my field on here.

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Your timeline has kind of put my pondering at ease and given me kind of a positive outlook.

Also, your comment above on what’s currently going on, I kind of agree and have been mostly just tuning out headlines and coworker’s speculations. But I’ll pay attention to things like what’s being proposed in congress for things such as proposed budget(s).

cant speak to quality reviews but my BI has continued with references being interviewed for the past two months.