Transferring Contract at Same Agency with Moderate Risk Public Trust. When does current employer find out? I my current company finds out and terminates me, will that cause any problems with my Public Trust?

I work at Company A on a contract at Agriculture. I was offered a role at Company B contingent upon completion of gov background check/approval. This is at the same agency.

Company A is known for firing people when they look for counter offers, cutting access immediately when people give two weeks notice, etc., so it isn’t outside of the realm of possibility they get upset and get rid of me if they find out I applied elsewhere. Company B thinks the process will be a “badge flip” and that Company A will not be alerted before it reaches the final offer stage. I just submitted one OF-306 since Company A’s contract was won during a re-compete, so it is technically a new contract. Will submitting another OF-306 a week later raise any flags?

Any insight on how this process works? I was favorably adjudicated on my moderate risk PT, but I do have some minor criminal infractions (10+ years ago) and got sober about a decade ago. I went over all of this during my last BI, but I’m worried if Company A fires me, that could add a blemish to the “whole person” concept.

Also, if my PT is active/recent and the new role does not require moving to a higher level “clearance,” will I need to go through the entire BI again and go over all of the items that were already adjudicated?

Again, same agency, different contractor/contract. Please let me know if I overthinking this, but I don’t want to be in a scenario where it costs me both jobs.

Not sure but have you verified you are not violating any Non-competes?

I looked at my contract, and I do not believe there are any non-competes embedded. There is a confidentiality and propietary informstion policy, but I don’t think there is anything that I’d be violating since the contract isn’t tied to my current work. There is a chance that I may have some minor overlap in the future, but it is all related to government policy work.

@Marko could you weigh in on this from the perspective of filling out a new OF-306 and when Company A may find out?

It is odd that you have had to fill out an OF-306 since that is not required for contractors anymore. If the new position requires the same or lower level of investigation then no new investigation would be needed, they can use the current one. If you get fired just because you applied to another company that is not a security concern and would have no impact as long as if asked, you are honest about it.

On a personal note, if I was working for a company that would fire me for making necessary life decisions, I would be seriously re-evaluating my employment with them.

Not telling you to, just saying what I would do.

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We received an email last week from HR asking all of us to fill out the OF-306 and provide a resume to ensure no breaks in service while we move from the current contract to the “new” contract (it is the same work, they won again during the compete phase). This is apparently new.

The company that is offering me the job asked for the resume, 306, a contractor form, to complete the internet security training, and the AD2109 which is for the fed investigation, but it seems like this request is standard for new hires on the contract.

Could having the two 306 forms submitted at the same time cause any issues? Based on what you said, it sounds like I may not need to go through the full BI again. Does that mean no eQips (which is when my current employer is contacted, correct?)?

Thank you!

Correct, no new BI unless a higher level investigation is needed for the position. I don’t see any issues.

Appreciate the insight.