I have a question, in which I hope to get some answers. I have to swallow my pride on this as I am not proud of my actions and have already suffered the consequences of my lack of judgement.
Currently, I am a DOD contractor in a non-sensitive position. My last NACI was favorably granted in Oct 2016. My current contract will be up in July 2018, and likely a new company will get the contract and I will have to get a new CAC. Will I have to undergo a new BI, or will my previous favorable NACI be reciprocated?
The reason I am concerned is because I was arrested this month for shoplifting $20 worth of government property (AAFES/PX) in which I will have to soon go to court. I did not have a criminal record up until this arrest and therefore my lawyer is certain that I will get a pre-trial diversion and will likely have it dismissed after 6 months to a year of good behavior. However, that means at the time of my CAC renewal I would technically have an open/pending charge. Will this be an issue when I am hired by a new contract company and have to get a new CAC? I have no other “issues” per say that would be of concern.
I never reported it to my company, I don’t have a security clearance, and I looked at the company handbook and I don’t technically have to report it, although ethically I feel like I should. The same day I was arrested I received an offer for a federal civilian job, however, I declined fearing my criminal record would keep me from the securing the position.
I am truly regretful of my actions, I get that most of you are totally judging me. If anyone could answer my question, I would appreciate it. Thanks!