What determines how long adjudication will take?

I had my interview on Friday. The interviewer submitted his ROI the following Monday. He did mention it had to be reviewed and they could send it back, asking him to clarify some points further. But when I asked why my references had not been contacted, he told me it DCSA did not ask him to contact them.

Your FSO can have a lot of pull. For instance, the federal position to which I was hired and requires a secret clearance is in desperate need of me. I was denied an interim clearance because I had a lot of foreign contacts, so they requested a full adjudication. They also told them it had to be completed within a month.

It appears to be on track.

Years ago, I was hired to a federal position that required a high risk public trust ‘clearance.’ That took six months. The agency to which I was hired did not need me right away. There was no request by the FSO for them to rush adjudication. So, they took there sweet time.

Your FSO understands that there are backlogs. They’ll only request that cases be rushed when filling the position is critical.