23 months and Periodic Reinvestigation for TS is still in OPEN status


I an a government contractor.

My periodic review is still running. I have had the investigator come back and ask me about not giving 2 weeks notice at a few of my previous jobs. The fact is that I didn’t give 2 weeks notices at a few of my jobs and enjoyed excercising my right to work in my right to work State. Employers are not required to give us 2 weeks notices and neither am I. If I was on a contract that I didn’t like, was underpaid on, or was going to end soon and couldn’t wait to get out and get another one I’d draft up an email providing immediate resignation. Sure I did that a few times but I am not sure how enjoying my State’s laws make me a security risk. Why might they be harping on that so much? I don’t understand how I am expected to follow rules that are outside of absolute societal norms and not on my SF-86 form. Sure, I need to be concerned about burning a bridge with a company, but not sure what that would have to do with being a security risk.

Everyone I know in the DC area has about the same story with their PR taking 2 years plus but I am surprised that the investigation is still open.

Still I am concerned.

Thank you for your thoughts.

When you say your investigation is “still running” or “still in OPEN status” I take it you are referring to the status in JPAS? If so, I’ll agree that is a long time.

As far as quitting, it might be an area they’d like to look into, but I don’t think it would be a serious concern as long as you weren’t quitting due to some conflict or violation. To me, that would be the issue, not the resigning without two weeks notice. Now, the fact that you did it “a few times” is a bit unusual and that may be why the investigator wanted to follow up.

Don’t be concerned. We try to find out why you suddenly left.

Hi, yes I am referring to the status in JPAS. When I called an FSO they referred to it as being in “Open” status. Not sure if that is an accurate status. I will say that it took 16 months for the investigator to even meet with me. Thanks for your explanation on why they might want to look into it again since it isn’t typical. Well put without being a jerk about it.


Leaving jobs without notice is certainly something that should be looked into. It will not be a reason to reject you as an applicant but it does reflect on your thoughts about your responsibilities. I’m not saying that it is always negative, but I can see where it COULD make you a risk.

Let’s say that, in the past, you have left jobs on a whim with little or no notice. You’re unhappy with your pay or the contract is nearing it’s end (You may be NEEDED near the end.) or whatever other reason you want.

Now, you have a clearance. You’re unhappy at your job. You feel underpaid or under appreciated. Someone approaches you and offers to make up for the fact that you are underpaid . . . They will pay you well for a little of the information that you have.

See where the problem is?

Don’t take it personally. These investigations are colored by every intelligence failure of the past. It’s not just about you.

Thank you very much. I don’t know that there was such a thing as getting carried away by celebrating my right to work analogous to how folks celebrate their right to openly carry a firearm where lawfully permissible. Some of those folks also fall under scrutiny like I have been even though both are perfectly legal. Not trying to politicize the topic but wanted to let you know why I feel awkward about it.

I really thought it was about “whatever floats your boat” in America as long as it was not illegal. I guess the fact that it is “unusual” to not give 2 weeks notice as previously stated is a red flag? Kind of like it is uncommon to see a bunch of guys walking down the street lawfully open carrying firearms to make a point?

I am not arguing, just looking for a bit of closure here.

Thank you.

While leaving a job without notice isn’t illegal - other potential employers often times have a negative view of such practice. I agree with what @EdFarmerIII said. The process estimates risk. If you have left numerous jobs without notice, I would argue that the clearance gods could view you as an employment risk. Now, you need to focus on mitigating that concern.

Hello everyone. Thanks for your thoughts and relaying them in such a friendly way. Not taking it personal at all. I hope that it doesn’t come down to the clearance gods giving me a hard time in the form of a SOR etc. I have begun to give 2 weeks notices more recently to fit in with our societal mores and now I have other reasons to do so after reading your posts. I really appreciate the time you all took to spend with me and provide me with how things are viewed by said gods. :grinning: