Active TS/SCI FS Poly Reinstatement Limbo – Any Advice or Contacts? (NSA/FSO

Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing well.

I wanted to reach out and see if anyone has tips or advice on navigating the clearance reinstatement process. Here’s my deal: Aside from being a naturalized citizen (which I know can add some layers), my background is squeaky clean. Regardless, the TS/SCI Full Scope clearance process with Maryland customer was a journey - it took nearly three years and came with a Notification of Foreign Contact exception because my parents are foreign nationals living abroad. After finally getting through that hellish process, the role I originally applied for was no longer available. So, I jumped on a similar contractor role with a big company that works with the same agency; and I was told my clearance in Scattered Castles (SC) showed Full Scope, and the reinstatement would only take a few days. But… it’s been about three months since my paperwork was submitted, and I’m still hearing crickets. My recruiter’s gone radio silent on my follow-ups, and the program security officer mentioned last week that I’m still “in the queue”. I would really appreciate any guidance nudge this forward or who else I can reach out to besides my recruiter and FSO. Thanks so much for your time and any help you can provide!

The only insight I can offer is that there are three adjudication paths into the Maryland customer: direct hire civilians, military, and contractors. Just because you went through the civilian path means nothing, now you must go through the contractor path. I don’t think they’ll need to do any new investigation but it needs to move through the process and that could take some time (as it already has).

@sbusquirrel thanks for the insight! Just to clarify, I’ve had a clearance for over a decade during my military service. From what I understand, a new investigation shouldn’t be necessary since my case was recently adjudicated and the paperwork submitted was just for transferring the clearance. I always thought transfers wrapped up in a few days or maybe up to a couple of months. Does that align with your experience? Thanks once again.

NSA and other IC members are on a hiring freeze. That “Could” affect the contractor side but noway to really know. Could also be that adjudicators were let go and now they are working with skeleton crew.

Has this been announced?

I was working for a contractor supporting a different DoD IC agency. We won a new contract and hired three people from competitors (yes it happens all the time). Two crossed over in a few days, one guy took nine months… all the while he continued to work at his job at yet another DoD IC agency.

It is a bit of a crap shoot sometimes.