CAC and background checks

DUI and blood test refused first time offense. Will I still be able to get CAC card with this or even if it’s dismissed??

It depends. The failure to provide the blood test does not negate the fact you were arrested for an alcohol offense to the security process.

How long ago was it?

A DUI in and of itself COULD be an issue - the real question is - what was the disposition of the case, did you pay all of your fines/court costs, did you complete any sentencing obligations such as probation, community service, etc.?

Also - how long ago was this, are you a repeat offender, or do you have other legal issues that indicate a pattern of legal issues?

You can probably see where I am going here - the DUI itself is only a component of the larger picture.

Having said all of that - a CAC investigation completed by a directorate/program security office isn’t the same as a full clearance investigation/adjudication so the “rules” might vary from place to place.

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Also didnt pled guilty for dui and i wasnt drinking just upset and they offered a program to dismiss tickets and dui case if i complete but need this job

With being in ARD program can i still get a Card card ?

I just this case they said if i sign up for ARD program the cases will be dismissed at the end and it was a first time dui and was no happened last month but i got a letter to be deployed to training next month and this is a life changing moment for me

The CAC is one thing - but keep a bigger picture in mind - will there be a potential clearance investigation in the near future? You will need to provide consistent and truthful information for that as well…so I get that this is an opportunity for you - but also don’t spoil it by making hasty choices you will need to account for later (that would put career prospects that are far longer lasting at risk). On the SF-86 there is no provision for not listing arrests, charges, and disposition even for things that have been expunged. Read the questionnaire and skim the adjudicative guidelines - you can make a good case by understanding those.

Again - for a simple CAC most of this is a non-issue - but keep in mind if you go further how you present yourself needs to be consistent.