I am currently working with an EmployerA (Contractor) who “holds” my secret clearance which is active. I am not working directly with any Federal agency on any projects through EmployerA. This employer occasionally involves me in some discussions related to possible projects with agencies.
I am in discussion with another EmployerB(Contractor) for a contract(project) with a Federal agency. They will soon ask me to “transfer” my clearance ( with EmployerB).
A couple of Quick questions:
When the second employer (EmployerB) “Apply” for the “transfer” of my clearance will my current Employer (EmployerA) get notified ?
I have a couple of months work left with my current Employer (EmployerA) . Can I keep my clearance with both the companies (EmployerA and EmploerB) during the process ?
What should be the best approach in this scenario ?