Crossover Clearance Unadjudicated Information

I’m currently working on contract at CISA and was read on SCI in March. I’ve held TS/SCI since in the Marines around 1998. I passed a CI poly in 2022 by DIA. I was just offered a new job that is a better fit for me and would like to accept it, but they are saying they can’t do a clearance crossover because “unadjudicated information” on my clearance. I was put in continuous evaluation in Dec 2021. I can’t get any further information and don’t know who to contact about this to try to clear up whatever this is. I don’t understand how the current company was able to bring me on with no issue four months ago and now the clearance can’t be transferred. Can anyone point me in direction of who I can contact, or do I need to just do with my current company FSO? also, being the clearance won’t crossover, is there a risk for my current job if I ask the FSO about it? I can’t afford to lose my current job and have this unadjudicated info thing preventing me from getting hired on another contract. Thanks!

Please read this thread. It will help some.

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You are probably OK with the current job, as I have heard of a number of cases where the person did not encounter any problems until they tried to get a new job and ended up in the same situation you find yourself in now.

The situations I heard remained unresolved (or “unadjudicated”) until some new employer agreed to sponsor them for a completely new investigation. That’s not the only way out but the most likely resolution.

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When last did you submit an updated SF86. Probably you submitted SF86 for CE and never got adjudicated. If that happens then you are stuck with your current company and if you try to leave, other agencies won’t see your clearance either. Your current FSO might not help you.

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Go to the CISA FSO and they should be able to tell you what’s up.

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Also how can I be submitted for a new clearance when I already have it and am utilizing it in my current position?

I did SF86 in Oct 2021 and Dec 2021 I was notified they said I was in CE. I’ve had a couple different jobs since then though and didn’t have any problem with new companies bringing me on. Went from contracts at FBI to DCSA, to short stint at Army CID and now at CISA.

Thank you, but why would I need a new BI when they put me in the continuous eval in Dec 2021? 2026/2027 would normally be when my next one would be but I thought the purpose of CE was to reduce the backlog the investigators have and it’s only done once in CE if there’s a violation?

Good question! We’re just now starting to see how this is working out and it appears there are still some loopholes that allow one agency to decline reciprocity.

You don’t need a new investigation if you stay where you are, but if you try to go to a new job and the crossover is blocked, that’s when you might need to start all over.

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Thank you, appreciate your responses. Definitely seems to defeat the whole CE purpose!

I have gone through this before and it is a pain in the ass. For starters, find which database your clearance is posted in. This problem usually occurs in Scattered Castles, but it can happen in DISS. The best way to find out the issue is file a privacy act request with DNI and they will give you what appears in Scattered Castles. You should be be able to find the record and it will be marked in red text as “non-adjudicated record.” From there, you should be able to see which agency it falls under.

Once you have this information, take it to your FSO and they should be able to resolve this issue. You aren’t at risk of losing your current job because of unadjudicated information, however it will prevent you form getting another job. There is some good news though. If the issue is only in Scattered Castles, you can get another job by using your clearance in DISS, if it is in there. Scattered Castles and DISS do not talk to each other, so “unadjudicated information” reflected in Scattered Castles does not show-up in DISS. Your FSO should be able to look you up in DISS and tell if there is something open.

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