Crossover Denied due to Unadjudicated Informatiom


I have a question regarding Crossover being “Denied due to unadjudicated Information”

First: I am changing contracting companies, Not Agencies. So, the old job was and the new job is with the same Agency.

Second, if Crossover within the same agency is denied for unadjudicated information.

Questions to be answered by professionals or people with relevant experiences.

  1. Why would it be denied?
  2. What is Unadjudicated Information?
    What does it mean?
  3. What can I do about it?

Please advise if you have something productive, informative or positive to add.


This happened to me. Customer would not tell me or my company why. All the customer would say is that I had unadjudicated information and I would have to have start over like I never had a FSP before. The only thing that I could do is find a sponsor for a FSP and start over. It took me 6 months to find a sponsor and then 10 months for the Background Investigation/Poly/Medical.

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Well the good thing is you did find a sponsor, thats the Key.
Some companies will only hire you if you already have your TS/Sci/fsp or one of the other, some or most won’t hire you without it.
So, in my case I had TS/SCI/FSP in previous job, but for whatever reason, they won’t do a crossover to a new company, even though its the same agency.

What’s your advice or suggestion?

I had the same issue. I went from one company to another company inside the same agency and the crossover was denied. The customer said to start over so that is what I did. I would look for jobs that say able to obtain FSP or go staff. Either way you will get the FSP back.

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If you find such jobs or links for jobs with able to Obtain FSP, please share the link or website.

I love Govt. Work, for me, its not really the paycheck, its a sense of identity, pride, and passion.

I have made tremendous sacrifice working for the Govt., but I love every minute of it.

I don’t care if its direct staff or indirect contractor, at the end of the day, its the same job, serving the Govt. And the Country.
