Currently in Adjudication for a DOE L (Secret) Security Clearance since August

Hello all, my investigation was completed around mid August and I am still in the adjudication process. I received a letter from a security specialist to clarify information about foreign relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousin). On my SF86 I only listed 2 of my cousins because I thought “close and continuing contact” was having frequent contact weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. I misinterpreted and misunderstood the question when I filled out the security questionnaire. I ,of course, explained on my response letter that I misinterpreted the question about foreign contacts.
Anyways I only have contact with my foreign relatives once every few years or pretty much rarely and from my understanding none of them are affiliated with the foreign government. One of my relatives work for the media industry in which the company is a privatized, so they are not affiliated with the government. My foreign relatives are from Taiwan (I am assuming Taiwan has a good relationship with USA). My record is clean and I am a US born citizen. Any thoughts if I am getting a favorable adjudication for a DOE L which is equivalent to a Secret clearance

US born, and having foreign relatives is all fine. I have seen people who migrated to the U.S when they were in their mid 20s and currently have many foreign close family members (’ sisters, brothers, moms, aunts, … etc ) in foreign countries, and still got their secret.
I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If you record is clean, U.S born, no drug use, no criminal history, it’s should be just a matter of time. I was in adjudication for good 8-9 months, so no worries. If the BI is complete, and they haven’t asked you any additional thing, than it could be just a matter of time before they adjudicate you.