Dcsa interview advice or insight

Of course; my pleasure! The waiting, in my opinion is the hardest part. You’re not alone. :grinning:, for sure.

The waiting is the hardest part. I was given a two week window. But I know that was never gonna happen…lol.

I had my interview the last week of May and still have not heard anything back. My references also have not yet been contacted. Not feeling too hopeful about anymore.

End of May? You practically just started! Wait another month or two.

They said it will take weeks after the interview to hear something. Remember the announcements were for multiple positions in some areas. The fact you were interviewed was a good thing. Wait it out, dont give up. They are probably interviewing a lot of people. So it will take some time.

Hi, I also have an interview this week, what type of questions were you asked ?

I have had the pleasure to be on a hiring panel this week, great candidates, mostly contractors, very solid.

Questions can vary by office but the format remains the same.

Get plenty of rest the night before, relax and be prepared. Interview instructions are given before the interview and there are no surprises.



As I’ve previously stated my interview was at the end of May. I was told that I would hear something in a couple of weeks — a month has now passed.

I reached out to the SAIC/Interviewer a month from the date in which the interview took place to get an update — a week has now passed — no response.

I can NOW confirm that offer letters have gone out (not sure of when).

Does anyone know how long that takes?

(Or should I just assume… I’m NOT one of them)

If you did or did not get the job you will be notified by HR not by anyone you interviewed with. HR is the next voice in the process. HR department extends the tentative offers.

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I recently interviewed for another position within DCSA, on the other side of the house.

All I got was the thanks but no thanks email generated from USAjobs.

Thank you… appreciate the insight. I guess it’s the waiting and unknown that is the hardest part.

That sucks. How long did it take for that to generate?

About as month, maybe a little longer.

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Hi, I have an interview 2 weeks from now, can you share what type of questions you were asked for the panel interview? thanks!

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Honestly, I’d be lying to you if I said I remember as I was nervous and had tunnel vision.

I can say that they are standard questions that follow a federal format… they are NOT hard questions. Just remember to use your current job as a bases for answering them.

Good luck!

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I had an interview a month or two ago and got the job. I wouldn’t want share the specific questions, but just a word of advice. There were a lot of follow up questions and clarification asked, more so than almost any other job I’ve done. We all have somewhat prepared answers and a general idea of what we’ll give for questions, just be prepared to offer more clarification and go further in your answers.

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This is accurate and paints the picture very well… of what encompasses the interview process.

Why anyone is considering working for DCSA which is one for the most incompetent federal agencies in the federal government bureaucracy is beyond my comprehension.

DCSA isn’t much different than the old OPM. In fact most senior leadership and the core of their people are still in their respective positions.

I guess this speaks to the even worse culture, climate, and treatment of the contract Investigator working for KGS (Peraton), CACI, and Paragon for one to consider starting at an insulting GS7 pay with DCSA.


I think that you have figured out why contractors (employees of Peraton, etc.) want out. Yes, GS/GG7 is a ridiculous starting point for an experienced BI. From what I know, everyone that left USIS for a Fed position is still there (or retired as a GS13). People that I know that started as a Fed have pretty much stuck it out because of the freedom of the position. Of course, I would not recommend anyone get in to this field now.

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