I figured as much. Those letters often come after clearing. Now, you need stay on top of whatever the issue was. Once a “we told you so” letter is in your file you can’t claim you did not know. But you cleared so don’t stress over it. Just stay on top of what ever it was.
I submitted my response back to dcsa/doha yesterday. How long would it take to get a reply (for better or worse)?
This just feels like the Hunger Games for sure.
Anyone? How much time, approximately, does it take from submitting a response and obtaining a reply?
I would like to know, because I can’t be idle waiting for a possible adverse response and left without a job and bills to pay, mortgage… etc. Just started looking for roles with no clearance (as a backup).
Thanks for the help.
Backpack, it is impossible to provide an accurate answer to your question with regard to how long the process will take. You should not quit your current job or refuse future job offers while waiting for this to be completed. In the end, no matter how long it takes, you can always quit any job you hold, once you do get a firm job offer after a successful completion of the investigation process (giving proper notice first to your current employer, of course).
Always look for your next job while you currently have one. Entertain offers if they come. Interviews are good practice.
The sad part is the job I currently have is my dream job. I like what I do, the folks I work with… and ever since I got that inquiry I feel like a stopwatch is counting and my dream job will come to an end at some point.
I just wish I had come from a privileged family… I guess the American dream is not for everyone.
It sounds like you had a good lineup of all the tangible actions you have initiated and changes you have made to work off and pay off all your debt. Making regular monthly payments, payment plans, part time income/jobs, reducing spending, spousal income, etc. etc. All those things make a difference and show a conscientious plan to honor financial obligations. Think positive.
Def seek credit counseling. Have an action plan in writing. Pound on that debt as if your livelihood depended on it. Because it does. Saying you will fix it is meaningless. Showing a well organized plan…reaching out to each creditor greatly helps. Get it in writing, see if hey will waive late fees to get back on track. Build a spreadsheet to show what you are doing. Plenty techniques to get there: list in order of interest rate, or highest debt to lowest, make minimum payments on all, wipe out bottom, roll up to next one, and so on…good luck.
I already posted my response. But I do have a strategy on dealing with my current situation. I don’t know how long it will take to receive a response back (for better or worse). At this point all I can do is continue tackling my debt and avoiding new ones.
Hey, I Just received an eyes only email package from DCSA. How did it work out for you? I’m still waiting for my password.
You should get it from your employer’s security office. That’s how I got mine. I heard some folks get the password by mail.
Unfortunately, Backpack, I fear that you are absolutely correct.
Looks like it worked out for you? Hoping it has
Hello bness2020,
Could you be specific on what your warning “eyes only” letter contained/looked like?
I recently received an eyes only package and can’t find any examples on what an SOR, warning letter, or a Letter of intent looks like.
Hello Amberbunny2,
I recently received an eye’s only package and was wondering if you have any examples on what a “we told you so” letter looks like?
My Security Officer hasn’t mentioned anything about a denial in clearance, therefore, I am hoping these were warning letters and not an SOR/LOI – As of right now I am just waiting for an approval/Denial in order to start working.
Any insights would be great.
Thank you
Ive seen many. Is usually curt, to the point calling out a specific behavior…could be speaking to MJ at age 18, credit, anything. Basically they say continued behavior of this type can result in loss of access. You sign and date. If the behavior repeats they can revoke with clear conscious knowing you were warned. Strongly doubt it is denial. Those are usually swift. If working on a secure compound you would be escorted off.
I see.
I am not currently working in a secure compound – I am waiting on this clearance in order to work.
So basically what you are saying is that if these documents didn’t specifically state it was an SOR or asked to provide more information that it is more than likely a warning letter?
I wasn’t sure if I could create a copy for my own records since it seemed very secret squirrel like. After digging into the rabbit hole I am concerned that it could’ve been an LOI/SOR.
I have reached out to my SO on Monday and haven’t heard anything back.
Yeah they would not bring you in to see a denial. They keep you at arms length, supposed to get SOR within 60 additional days. But warning letter just documents something from either the BI or developed info. They were fairly routine when we were keeping 370 FTEs staffed.
You were correct! My package turned out to be nothing more than a warning letter. I got cleared a week after receiving it. Thank you for your help and guidance!
Outstanding! Hope I was able to somewhat alleviate some fear. I know when it hangs over your head its hard to be confident. I’ve walked many employee’s through the process