Forgot Misdeameanor from 14 Years Ago

I forgot a misdeameanor underaged drinking charge from 2005, the charge was dropped in court. I forgot it on my SF-86 and my interview. I remembered and called my BI and told him the next day. Doest his make me look dishonest?

By remembering and then reporting it I believe you are okay. Folks can and do forget these things. Good on you for follow through.

Yes it does make you look dishonest because you were answered “No” to the question on two separate occasions: “Have you Ever been charged with an offense involving alcohol or drugs, firearms, or explosives?”, once when you filled out the form, and a second time when you were asked the same question by the investigator at the time of interview. That said, you did the right thing by calling your investigator to resolve.

Thank you both for the feedback, if I have to do another SF-86 I’ll remember.

I forgot about it because since then I had served in the army, graduated college, worked fulltime in the private sector for 7 years, got an M.S. with my GI bill and got married. It was a small event cause I was just taken home and had to appear in court, the judge just warned me an let me go. The memory got buried deep somewhere in my head.

Really hoping it works out cause they contacted my current employer already, does sound like since this mistake they’ve been reaching out to other contacts so I guess I’m not completely doomed.

Thanks again for replying.

Regardless if it makes you look dishonest, I would recommend you to amend your SF-86 rather than wait for another SF-86. I think you will need to fill out a SF-86C in order to amend.

Regardless, the falisifcation doesn’t seem to be material to me unless the position dictates it.

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