Hello All! I received a favorable determination in May of this year and was told to hopefully have updates, like the rest of you, at the end of summer beginning of fall. I was beginning to worry and then I stumbled upon this page. I have finished all of their paperwork and such and even received my PIV card which I have been told is with CSRA security. Does receiving a favorable determination mean that you have the security clearance required? I have been trying to get more of an understanding on what that actually means, and if there is anything else I have to go through.
Yes, I was told that my PIV card is with CSRA security.
Hello from my understanding a favorable determination and PIV card is the last steps the only thing left is PIV activation but that isnt done until you have a start date. I have been told that train will resume in November but the people selected for training is based off geographical needs.
Yes I have received a favorable determination & my PIV card is with CSRA security as well. Just waiting on a start date…
Hopefully we are all starting soon
Hello All just wanted to share my update I received today I started my process Dec 18, 2017. I was really excited about the job. I wish everyone much success moving forward below is my update from today. If anyone have any suggestions on who’s hiring please let me know
I wanted to follow up with you regarding your start/training date.
Upon review, we don’t have sufficient case work in your area to support additional hiring. As a result, we are unable to move forward with the recruiting process and will have to rescind your offer. I hate having to be the barrier of bad news and can’t imagine how disappointing all this is for you to hear. We have been along for the ride since day 1 with you and were looking forward to getting you started and are very disheartened as well at what has happened. As based in your offer letter, the position is based upon certain contingencies being met and with the lack of cases available at this time in your location, we can’t move forward.
I do have some news that hopefully will make things less worse…you did get your Single Scope Background Investigation approved, meaning, you do have the same investigation used to grant a Top Secret clearance. You shouldn’t have an issue receiving a Top Secret clearance for a position that requires one. Please keep us in mind for other job opportunities in the future.
It was a pleasure working with you and I hope that continues in the future –
Thank you again for your patience and understanding
I received the same thing, how disappointing. I was really upset about this after waiting all this time and then this is the outcome. I wonder did this happen to lot of people. I started my process October of 2017
What general areas are you folks located that CSRA decided to delay your on-boarding? No cities please.
Hello RAA
I’m sorry to hear that news for you! Do you mind telling me what area you live in?
I am located in the south atlantic region.
I received that exact same email today word for word. I am in Southeastern VA. So very disappointing after all this time!!
I’m sorry to hear this for you guys. It definitely makes me nervous for my future with them. I live in the Central area.
My recruiter called me and stated that due to the lack of workloads, positions that were on the East coast were cancelled. I live in North Carolina by the way. I started this process on 11/17, received a favorable determination 6/18 & had my PIV credentials approved on 7/18. I was just waiting on my start date that kept getting pushed back. It’s so unfortunate because I was looking forward to working with CSRA. However, there are more similar BI positions available for all of us elsewhere. So far, I have applied with SCIS and S2 Tech. There are also positions available at CACI, Keypoint, ISN, etc. Good Luck Everyone.
Reading this thread is making me question myself about possibly hiring on with GDIT/CSRA. Just had an interview yesterday for a tdy investigator position. I’d hate to accept it and leave the company I’m currently with just to be eventually told there’s not enough work.
OMNIPLEX is hiring Investigators in many regions across the country. We do not perform OPM work. Our clients are in the Intelligence Community. We have a steady flow of work including new work coming in continuously. Please contact Sharonda Lovett and she will be happy to discuss OMNIPLEX Investigator opportunities specific to your backgrounds and locations.
I just applied; thanks!
Thank you…where am I able to find her contact information?
This forum is not a job board hence solicitation contact info is deleted. You will have to do your own research and contact the company directly.
I found her on LinkedIn and sent her a message.
So all the BI position on the East Coast and Atlantic have been cancelled?