Questions about GDIT

Is CSRA not working with GDIT anymore on background investigations? Also, I’m told by GDIT that only one set of credentials are going to be issued now, which I was told I should be contacted within a couple weeks with further information where and how to obtain them.

Long story short, I completed all the requirements, security clearances and training and received my ICE credentials 14 months ago but did not receive my CBP credentials. During this time period, when I called and requesting the status of the CBP credentials, they always stated they (GDIT / CSRA) were just as frustrated as I was.

Is this normal with CBP?


GDIT bought out CSRA. Also they are barely transitioning to one set of creds for both ICE and CBP so I’m sure that will take a while. When I got my creds for CBP it took a lot longer than ICE.

Thanks for the reply, appreciate it.