Incident submitted in JPAS in response to EEO Help

I need help is there no one to help. I was a Government Employee was being harassed and threatened at work went to Management they refuse to move me. They would not task me for 3 years. After my health started to fail I filed an EEO based off the hostile work environment requesting mediation. Mediation failed and I resigned and went formal with my EEO. I started working with a contractor in a different state federal. I received a call from my new company’s FSO and my old job had placed a incident report in JPAS stating I had being working for a contractor while employed for the Gov and that it was a conflict of interest. This was untrue the conflict of interest as the new Contractor was not a contractor from my agency and I was not working while employed with the Gov. it was just a lie to stop me from working and to support my family . I fill hopeless as now the contractor terminated me and the FSO sent the case to the CAF. Because I have separated will this incident remain forever? Any suggestions out here ?

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