Is this really true?

Hello Everyone, hope you are all doing well.

  Earlier today I was reading a thread on reddit discussing MEPS records, DoDMERB, and OPM. In the thread a few people mention a somewhat odd claim that OPM does not talk and have any involvement with DoDMERB or MEPS, and that during a security clearence OPM will not review nor have access to any medical processing paperwork from MEPS or during enlistment into the military. If someone can clear that up or even shed light, if true, on how that's the case. I'm not hiding anything but I'd figure on asking the experts as to how true this claim is, as I'm thoroughly interested in how background investigations works.

Thanks much!

First of all, many of the folks that try to help folks in here also post in Reddit and Federal Soup.

To answer the question I think you are asking up front - NBIB (OPM) does not determine if you are medically qualified to be in the military. The military does that examination. If NBIB find that you lied about mental health, drugs, or alcohol treatment, yes, we report that to the military.

To answer the hidden question - NBIB does not have access to your MEPS medical records, though the military does have access. The military does provide access to your military record, which includes MEPS processing, enlistment declarations, etc.

NBIB is not trying to “get you”. Agencies are not trying to hide information or issues from NBIB. The background investigation is to help determine if you are trustworthy, reliable, and responsible enough for government/military employment (this includes contractors) and to hold a position of trust (security clearance/public trust) .

This is not a process to game. This is the big time - lying, trying to lie, hiding can get you in jail (at worst), dismissed for fraudulent enlistment, barred from government employment, or simply released (at best). Report what the questionnaire ask you to report, using the start date you sign the form. Read the questions literally and answer literally. If additional concerns are developed, the Agency will ask us to talk to you about it — you don’t want that additional concern to be something that you were required to report but did not.

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I appreciate the response, this makes alot more sense now. There is one other question I have. The response is now 8 years old but, the person had a very similar question regarding Local Agency Checks on federal soup. Is it true that only criminal records are checked for and arrest records, or is it also non criminal incident reports (wellness check, domestic dispute-non criminal). The person asked whether the records are checked on a county level or local level. The response was local and county level. If you could please clarify the meaning of county level (I apologize I’m very new to all these new terms) I’d greatly appreciate it. That would answer all my questions about the way in which all of this is done.

 I know on the SF-86 it asks very specific questions regarding only criminal/arrest records but nothing of non criminal, just wondering if it's one of those questions that goes out of the scope of the question by BI or do they just stick to the records being asked for by those questions in section 22. 

Thanks much!

I just want to know where those weird scrolling text boxes are coming from


I’ve seen a guy get investigated 10 years into the military…and revealed in this investigation he was drug free but yes he did smoke pot prior to coming in…not on his records. He was booted for fraudulent enlistment. I concur with BI. Do not shade answers, or be “technically” correct. Don’t quibble. Just straight up tell them the things you did or did not do.

Law Enforcement records are not just arrest or conviction records. We check the city, county, and normally do a statewide check were practical for any record law enforcement has on you.

I had a team mate in the Air Force Security Police - 7 year E6 - who upgraded from a Secret to a TS for a special duty assignment … and was court-martialed a few months later for an unreported felony that happened when he was in high school. The court-martial was for fraudulent enlistment and lying on the questionnaire (false statement).

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Quick question, when filling out the SF86 should I include the community college I went to? I dropped out after only finished 6 credit hours (2 classes). I dropped out due to some things going on with a business I was trying to start.

Did you attend within the time frame asked in the question? Then yes.