Left NRO while some Security processing was going on

“The customer’s database indicates that he left NRO while some Security processing was going on in November of 2023 so they will need some time to clear that up if we submit an RFA (Report for Adjudication) for him on an NRO contract.”

I was wondering if you could please provide me details on the issues with my clearance, and how to get my clearance back on track.

I am completely in the dark and your guidance is much appreciated.

While I am not entirely sure what it means, but it looks like you have something on your clearance that needs to be adjudicated. This probably an incident report, but it may also be your PR/CE.

There is not a whole lot of information you are disclosing, so it is difficult to diagnosis what your problem is exactly. You may have “Unadjudicated information” on your record in Scattered Castles. This means that you cannot use your clearance at an agency that uses Scattered Castles to hold your clearance. You would have to find new sponsorship through another contracting company or a civilian position at NRO.

In the meantime, you can file a privacy act request on your clearance. You have to email ODNI some information and they you give you a copy of what appears in Scattered Castles clearance record. If there is any record that has in red text that says “Non-Adjudicated Record” that means you have something that needs to be adjudicated and you will need new sponsorship.

In the meantime, you will most likely be able to use your clearance in DISS since DISS and Scattered Castles do not talk to each other.

Just so you know, NRO clearances are held by CIA and sometimes by NSA.