I am a Canadian citizen who enlisted in the US Marine Corps August 2017. I am currently a Poolee, and waiting to be shipped. Additional fact: I was an Indian citizen who lived in the Middle East (Dubai, UAE) prior to moving to Canada (2008). I’ve lived in Canada for about 8 years and lived in the US now for almost 2 years (greencard holder).
I was given a ship date of January 16th 2018, however that changed when the DoD issued a memo on October 13th.
The DoD memo on October 13th requires all lawful permanent residents (LPRs) to complete a thorough background check and receive a favorable MSSD (military service suitability determination) before being shipped. If I am not mistaken, this is a tier 5 background check. I won’t be given a ship date until this is complete.
If you are not a U.S. citizen you are not eligible for a security clearance so I doubt they would conduct a T5 on you. However, I could be wrong, but it would require a waiver and you would still not get a clearance, just a suitability determination for military service. Depends on what checks they need done to submit the waiver.
The background investigation is a Tier 5. You will have to complete the Subject interview and answer a lot of extra questions. Marko is correct that most foreign national military candidates will not get a clearance, but you will go through the Tier 5 process.
Do any of you know how long the tier 5 background check tends to take? Example: whether I’m likely to be shipping January vs. September 2018?
Any information to that effect would help me greatly (especially in planning out my life & giving family/friends a heads-up) while in this waiting stage.
Also, thank you both for your responses and for your future response. I truly appreciate it.
Hi Poolee, I am almost in the exact same situation. I signed an Army Reserve contract in August 2017 and was due to ship in Jan 2018 but the date was postponed. I am also waiting for a suitable MSSD. Has there been any change in your investigation ? Thanks
I’m at about the 7 month mark right now from my enlistment date and I still haven’t heard anything unfortunately. I will update the thread if I do.
Also, for your edification, I’d like to share that I know of a bunch of DEPers in the Navy who are green card holders who have shipped out (or given ship dates after their MSSD was adjudicated). So I hope there is some consolation in that fact. Cheers.
I am in a similar situation. I enlsited in December and am awaiting a favorable MSSD. It was only here that I found it is a Tier 5 investigation which is really very thorough and takes a long time from what I can read here.
In my situation there has been at least some progress, i had my interview already and my employers were contacted and responded already. While all this is good news, I am still worried as to whether or not the MSSD will be closed and adjudicated in 2018.
According to my recruiter it should take about 5 months to be processed but I find that hard to believe when I see how long it takes many contributors here to receive their clearance.
Hi Guys, I am in the exact same situation. I enlisted in July 2017 . I had my interview and waiting for its result. Also, I found out that the American Civil Liberties Union opened a lawsuit against this law on Jun 22.