Need HELP & Thoughts: Secret Clearance Re-Investigation Time

I’ve been a Govt Contractor for 21 years and recently had to go through the process for a Secret Clearance Re-Investigation for the 2nd time. Completed SF86 was submitted back in early May 2020. It has been over 2 months now and my PRI is still pending CE Review. All I need is for my PRI to be opened so I can receive an Interim Secret Clearance and get my access badge at the installation I work at. I am well aware that due to COVID19 lots of government workers who reviews PRIs are teleworking, but DAMN over 2 months and my PRI is still not reviewed???

Does anyone know of any way to get this expedited? Or any government strings I could possibly pull to create some kind of memorandum to expedite? All I need is for my PRI to be opened!!! From there however long it takes is fine. As long as my status on JPAS shows an open PRI I can continue to get access to the buildings I work at.

THOUGHTS OR IDEAS please, this is getting so ridiculous!!!

I thought the only requirement was to get your SF-86/eQIP submitted into the system before you hit the renewal date (five or ten years after date of previous final adjudication)?

Wonder if the new continuous evaluation (CE) is messing this up.

Part of the problem is that there are a lot of government new hires whose processing is backlogged and they are probably ahead of you in the queue.

As far as expediting the process… I got nuthin :frowning_face:

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Many government agencies are on staggered schedules. This system has always been slow. Now it is hopelessly clogged. 2 months isn’t outside a current norm.

On July 20, 2020: DCSA reported Timeliness for Secret investigations decreased from 173 days to 56 days. I wonder what the current norm is?

DCSA is the investigation service provider (ISP) for all but a handful of agencies. DCSA’s statics are published.

From observation in here - most folks frustrations deal with the Agencies that do their own investigations - several IC agencies, DOS, FBI, CBP to name a few.

DCSA has no control over those cases. Those other agencies are not very transparent with their timeliness.


Add in that the previous backlog was fixed by the diligence of investigators pounding away. However, this moved a tidal surge towards adjudication step as predicted. Politicians wanted to truthfully as possible claim “they” fixed the backlog. In a sense, they did. But it barely moved the needle in “time to clear.” Here’s hoping as continuous evaluation spreads its tentacles…there are more resources to work on new clearance approval and rejections., less on re investigation

In my world, I have seen very few reinvestigation cases this last year or so - most have been Subject interviews for issues developed from the CE process.

Those have been on the rise - CE appears to be working.

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I’ve had Subject/Sources tell me that contacting their local member of congress or Senator and asking for assistance has hastened their security clearance process. Their job is to serve constituents and some of it really try to do so.

Highly recommend waiting 6 months minimum. Then contact each 60 days thereafter up to a year.