NSA - Can anyone give me some answers?

I passed the poly on my third attempt back in early July. I assume it’s a good sign that I kept getting invited back? Additionally, the polygraph administrator said he was going to submit his report the day I “passed.” Lastly my background investigation was submitted in April. Can anyone give me an exact date (HAHA) of when I will get some good news?

The only person that can tell you exact dates would be your recruiter? Have you tried reaching out to them to see if they can see what is going on?

As far as security clearances go, it is a no news is good news situation. You would be told if you weren’t getting cleared, so that is the good news.


I appreciate the response. Yes, I reached out to my recruiter and they said they were going to try and get an update…I still haven’t heard back. And yes, from what I hear, no news is good news.

I havent heard from my recruiter in like 4 months lol. I emailed her the other day, crickets.

That is so strange to me. It says in some of the emails I have received that they are supposed to reach out to you at least once a month, but I don’t know if that is a hard rule for them.

yeah i have seen that referenced too. I’m like, well my recruiter might just suck. But things have progressed for me to not need to reach out, until now. I finished everything and would like to know whats next.

Lucky you! I am waiting to schedule a poly, but there are no open slots right now.

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Yeah that sucks, I snuck in while they still had some. I was given the scheduling link end of June, but nothing was available. I emailed them and they told me around July 1st that slots for August would become available. I nabbed one of those August ones.

It’s like the hunger games with the damn poly’s.

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It took me a week to get a response.

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A message from a member of the community at large, NSA? Are you referring to National Security agency Fort George Meade Maryland 20755-2467? The office is now closed due to administrative transition process in progress any and all applicants can RE apply on the Department of National Intelligence URL. Thank you for contacting the Offices of Security Clearance Jobs on the world wide web.

I check multiple times a day to see if there were any cancellations. I have the date of when they are supposed to open more, so I am watching like a hawk. I just want to get it over with honestly. I have already had a CI before and I know a lot of what they ask from friends who have had it.


Why does this read like you are using AI?


Yea, scheduling the poly is a pain.

A verification of the message materials you are reading is nessecary to know for a straight forward affirmative answer to your question ; Why does this read like you are using AI? The account ObviousThrowaway is being scanned for clearance to official account access at Clearance Jobs. Com.

What are you talking about?

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A message response in reference to eternally_waiting; Is this account domain operating title ‘ObviousThrowaway’?

And the title of this thread has something to do with getting a “straight answer” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :thinking: :sunglasses:


I finally got mine scheduled.

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Nice! How far out is it?

Not too far! I am just glad to have it scheduled.

Reminder to all in the thread to practice good OPSEC about certain things and try not to dox yourself. Something about that account posting is off, so you never know who might be on these threads.