Public Trust Clearance with Past termination

Hi there,

I am currently employed outside the federal space and have been approached to join a federal contractor and require a public trust clearance.

I have been in the workforce for 17+ years. I have 2 recent employment history that I am concerned with:

  1. I was offered to resign in June 2019 after a series of conflict with my supervisor on how to continue with our program. I was offered severance, references, and benefits to transition.
  2. I took a job with another employer in Sep 2019. In Jan 2020, I was terminated for ‘lost of confidence in my ability to do the job’. No other reasons were given.

I intent to be upfront with this during my investigations. I am currently employed and things are normal, going well, and performing above average.

Can I get an opinion on whether:

  1. I can get an interim suitability determination
  2. What impact, if any will the above 2 work history have on my ability to be suited for PS?

CAn anyone advise? I have to make a decision soon about taking the job, with an interim clearance.

See if the info provided in the following link helps.

From what you describe, your case is either a T2 or T4.

It’s never wise to give adjudication assurance - each case is different and may require a triggered interview. As you mentioned, you will include the reason you left each employment on the SF questionnaire. Pair it down to a one sentence explanation to keep details simple.

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This is an initial Tier2, does it really matter?

Read the linked info, look for info on T2.

No one can tell you for sure. A lot will depend on what your prior employers have to say.

Personally I have passed on positions wanting me to start with an interim. If they can’t wait for the full investigation then it is not meant to be.